laike9m / pdir2

Pretty dir() printing with joy:beer:
MIT License
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minimum setuptools version #31

Closed carlwgeorge closed 7 years ago

carlwgeorge commented 7 years ago

Currently the file is using environment markers to define the colorama and enum34 dependencies. Those are only present in setuptools 20.6.8 or newer. There are a two ways we can handle this (I can do an appropriate pull request once I know which one you prefer).

  1. Remove the environment marks and dynamically generate the requirements list.
requirements = []
if platform.system == 'Windows':
if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 4):
  1. Document the minimum setuptools version needed in the setup_requires parameter of the setup function.
laike9m commented 7 years ago

I'll go with the second approach.