laingsimon / courage_scores

Record the scores of courage league darts fixtures
Apache License 2.0
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Improve maintainability of dotnet tests #896

Closed laingsimon closed 1 month ago

laingsimon commented 3 months ago

Some test fixtures are very long, due to complex setup; review if these can be simplified to reduce difficulties in maintaining the codebase.

Fixtures with 500+ lines:

File Lines
UpdateScoresCommandTests.cs 641
laingsimon commented 3 months ago
 get-childitem -recurse | where-object { $_.Name.EndsWith(".cs") -and $_.FullName.Contains("Tests") } | select-object @{ label='name'; expression={$} }, @{ label='lines'; expression={(Get-Content $_.FullName | Measure-Object -Line).Lines} } | where-object { $_.lines -gt 500 } | sort-object -descending -property 'lines' | select-object { "| $($ | $($_.lines) |" }