lairdubois / lairdubois-opencutlist-sketchup-extension

OpenCutList is a SketchUp Extension for automating the generation of cut lists for woodworking projects.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Summarize Volume and seperate units in csv export #239

Closed ganafets82 closed 3 years ago

ganafets82 commented 3 years ago

Hi! Just found this beautiful extension and it works just fine! I used it for a framing construction for a shed.

It would be great if the volumes of each used material would be summerized. So I can see how much m³ wood I used in total and can calculate the weight.

I thought I can calculate this with the exported csv, but the numbers are exported together with the units, so I cant do without extra efford. It would be better to save the csv either without unit, or separated from the actual dimensions.

Thanks for your work!


mobilarte commented 3 years ago

Hi Stefan,

If you remove the units from being displayed in the Model Info -> Units, they will not appear in the CSV export, nor will they show up in the Parts List. There is even a shortcut to this window at the top of the Parts List, next to the filename and the date of last generation where the units of the model are displayed.

The volumes are displayed in the summary at the top of the Parts List.

ganafets82 commented 3 years ago

Hi. removing the units worked! Thanks!

The volumes are displayed at the top, but for every dimension each and not in total for each material. Would be nice to have it in total in the print output. If I have a dozen different wood dimensions, I have to type it in the calculator for every dimension (or export as csv and calculate there as a workaround).

mobilarte commented 3 years ago

I see what you mean. We are currently working on version 2.0, sponsored by contributors on OpenCollective, which will include a one-click report and labels. There will also be some changes to the way you can export the Parts List. We will keep your suggestion in mind!

ganafets82 commented 3 years ago

cool, thanks!

bbeaulant commented 3 years ago

Hi @ganafets82,

I've got a curious question. In what kind of situation do you need the total volume of a material independently of its dimensions ?

ganafets82 commented 3 years ago


  1. If I want to know the total weight of the construction - this happens often in my work. (Given weight limits or if I aim for light builds or if I want to know the transportation weight from the material supply)
  2. For price calculation. In Germany the price for construction timber is given by 1m³. If I have the total volume of all dimensions from one kind of wood, add 20% waste/cutoffs, I have a good price approximation.
  3. Quick comparison of wood amount in different building styles. (Same buildings, different construction method)
  4. If you regularly work on similar projects, you might spot mistakes in an early stage, if you are far of with the wood amount.

If you plan to implement this, summary of each material and summary of all materials would be cool.

Maybe also a summary of the total meters. Useful for one case: We have companies in Germany that prefabricate all ends, cutouts, holes etc. of construction timber by CNC machines. The price for this is per meter, independent from the dimension. Thats quite common here to order a prefabricated construction. Maybe somewhere else also.

In the company I sometimes work for, I use a software that gives a cutting list with total amounts of volume, lenght and surface - They also use this numbers for price calculation. In buildung business there are many more services payed by volume, length or surface (planing, painting, threatment, drying, ...)

I think it would not hurt to implement and is useful also for other users. Of course the workaround with the csv works,too

I have to say I use OCL for buildings. But it seems optimized for furniture?. Works fine anyhow.

BTW: this would be a nice extra to add a field for purchase costs. Easy if the price is calculated per volume. Harder to implement, if every dimension has its own price (like plate material). Also a field for density. I do not really need this, but I think this would be a nice feature for others.

bbeaulant commented 3 years ago

Ok thanks,

[...] this would be a nice extra to add a field for purchase costs.

This is the main goal of the next "Report" feature we are working on for the 2.0 release.

Harder to implement, if every dimension has its own price (like plate material).

Yes this is the main problem to solve ...

ganafets82 commented 3 years ago

Ups, I just edited my post quite long during your answer...maybe read again :-)