lairworks / nas2d-core

NAS2D is an open source, object oriented 2D game development framework written in portable C++.
zlib License
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Pulled latest, vcpkg fails to build #1149

Open cugone opened 6 months ago

cugone commented 6 months ago

Pulling latest on master and attempting to build throws a bunch of vcpkg errors, (I pulled latest on vcpkg as well) :

Build started at 6:16 PM...
1>------ Build started: Project: NAS2D, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>Installing vcpkg dependencies to E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\vcpkg_installed\x86-windows\
1>"E:\Git\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe" install  --x-wait-for-lock --triplet "x86-windows" --vcpkg-root "E:\Git\vcpkg\\" "--x-manifest-root=E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\\" "--x-install-root=E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\vcpkg_installed\x86-windows\\"
1>Errors occurred while parsing E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\vcpkg.json
1>    $ (vcpkg.json): expected a versioning field (example: version-string)
1>See for more information.
1>E:\Git\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\msbuild\vcpkg.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: The command ""E:\Git\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe" install  --x-wait-for-lock --triplet "x86-windows" --vcpkg-root "E:\Git\vcpkg\\" "--x-manifest-root=E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\\" "--x-install-root=E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\vcpkg_installed\x86-windows\\" " exited with code 1.
1>Done building project "NAS2D.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
2>------ Build started: Project: test-graphics, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
3>------ Build started: Project: test, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
2>Installing vcpkg dependencies to E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\vcpkg_installed\x86-windows\
2>"E:\Git\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe" install  --x-wait-for-lock --triplet "x86-windows" --vcpkg-root "E:\Git\vcpkg\\" "--x-manifest-root=E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\\" "--x-install-root=E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\vcpkg_installed\x86-windows\\"
3>Installing vcpkg dependencies to E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\vcpkg_installed\x86-windows\
3>"E:\Git\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe" install  --x-wait-for-lock --triplet "x86-windows" --vcpkg-root "E:\Git\vcpkg\\" "--x-manifest-root=E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\\" "--x-install-root=E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\vcpkg_installed\x86-windows\\"
2>Errors occurred while parsing E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\vcpkg.json
2>    $ (vcpkg.json): expected a versioning field (example: version-string)
2>See for more information.
2>E:\Git\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\msbuild\vcpkg.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: The command ""E:\Git\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe" install  --x-wait-for-lock --triplet "x86-windows" --vcpkg-root "E:\Git\vcpkg\\" "--x-manifest-root=E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\\" "--x-install-root=E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\vcpkg_installed\x86-windows\\" " exited with code 1.
2>Done building project "test-graphics.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
3>Errors occurred while parsing E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\vcpkg.json
3>    $ (vcpkg.json): expected a versioning field (example: version-string)
3>See for more information.
3>E:\Git\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\msbuild\vcpkg.targets(183,5): error MSB3073: The command ""E:\Git\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe" install  --x-wait-for-lock --triplet "x86-windows" --vcpkg-root "E:\Git\vcpkg\\" "--x-manifest-root=E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\\" "--x-install-root=E:\Git\nas2d-core_fork\vcpkg_installed\x86-windows\\" " exited with code 1.
3>Done building project "test.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 3 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Build completed at 6:16 PM and took 00.771 seconds ==========
cugone commented 6 months ago


Adding this for context since the workflow dispatch seems to work but local compilation still fails.

Further investigation points to "missing versioning field". Adding "version": "1" below the name field "almost" works. It downloads cmake and 7zip but during the extraction of 7zip, vcpkg crashes. with:

"EXEC : error : vcpkg has crashed; no additional details are available."
The source line is C:\a\l\s\src\vcpkg\archive.cpp(94)
DanRStevens commented 6 months ago

Thought I'd link to the documentation for vcpkg.json:

Noticed this comment for the version field:

Required for libraries, optional for top-level projects.