laisnegautier / WebRTCBlazor

Make a videoconference using WebRTC, SignalR and Blazor
6 stars 1 forks source link

Latest Release ?? #3

Open taylorjimbo opened 1 year ago

taylorjimbo commented 1 year ago

I'm very interesting in this project. I work a lot in Blazor and MudBlazor.

I noticed that the source does not match what is on

Any chance you could update github with the latest source?

laisnegautier commented 1 year ago


This project is totally unmaintainded: it was done for an internship and the goal was to combine the WebRTC API (available in Javascript) with Blazor. If I had to redo it now, I would simply ensure that I can make everything work in Javascript first, then make a bridge with Blazor that call Javascript (I was using SignalR which is a socket-based library available in C#). Blazor is simply used as a clean way to make the UI and work with models in a simple way.

I'm not sure why the source is not the same that on the website though, and I don't have the project on my computer anymore.

I may come back to this project to create a full component that is reusable for the community, but I can't promise anything.

Let me know if you want to discuss about specific parts of the project anytime, I'm sorry to not have the necessary time to do offer a more complete project, but at least you know that it's possible to do a videoconference project in Blazor because I did.

Kind regards, Gautier