lajax / yii2-translate-manager

Translation Manager
MIT License
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Scan for more complex messages (constants and concatenations in arguments) #110

Open pczi opened 6 years ago

pczi commented 6 years ago

This is not an issue, but your code could be enhanced based on the works i did. The following code will scan ::t functions and for the first 2 arguments replace concats and constants by their correct value. All the scanning is done with Regex expressions.

It will correctly resolve: Yii::t('appMenu', self::LBL_A); Yii::t('appMenu', self::LBL_A, otherArg); Yii::t('appMenu', OtherClass::LBL_A); Yii::t('appMenu', OtherClassUsedAs::LBL_A); Yii::t('appMenu', selfImplementingClass::LBL_A); Yii::t('appMenu', self::LBL_A . 'xxxx' ); Yii::t( self::LBL_A . 'appMenu', OtherClass::LBL_B . 'xxxx' . OtherClassUsedAs::LBL_C);

The following items are taken into account to resolve constants:

It works quite well and fast on a large project.

    // which folder should be scanned
    private $scanroot = '@_protected' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
    // list of the php function for translating messages.
    private $phpTranslators = ['::t'];    
    // list of file extensions that contain language elements.
    private $phpPatterns = ['*.php'];
    // these categories won't be included in the language database.
    private $ignoredCategories = ['yii'];
    // these files will not be processed.
    private $ignoredItems = [
    // Regular expression to match PHP namespace definitions.
    public $patternNamespace = '/namespace\s*(.+?)\s*;/i';
    // Regular expression to match PHP class definitions.
    public $patternClass = '/(?<!(\/\/\s)|\*\s|\/\*\*\s)(?:class|interface)\s*(.+?)\s/i';
    // Regular expression to match PHP Implements definitions.
    public $patternImplements = '/class\s*.+?\simplements\s(.+?)\s/i';
    // Regular expression to match PHP const assignments.
    public $patternConst = '/const\s*(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+);/i';
    // Regular expression to match PHP use and use as definitions.
    public $patternUse = '/use\s*(.+?\\<Searchstring>)\s*;/i';
    public $patternUseas = '/use\s*(.+?)\s*as\s*<Searchstring>\s*;/i';
    // Regular expression to match PHP Yii::t functions.
    public $patternPhp = '/::t\s*\(\s*(((["\'])(?:(?=(\\\\?))\4.)*?\3|[\w\d:$>-]*?|[\s\.]*?)+?)\s*\,\s*(((["\'])(?:(?=(\\\\?))\8.)*?\7|[\w\d:$>-]*?|[\s\.]*?)+?)\s*[,\)]/';
    // Regular expression to split up PHP concat "./dot" into parts
    public $patternConcatSplit = '/(["\'])(?:\\\\.|[^\1])*?\1|[^\s\.]+/';
    // holds all the const elements
    private $_constElements = [];
    // holds all the language elements
    private $_languageElements = [];

     * Scan source code for messages.
     * @return \yii\web\Response
    public function actionScan()
        // FILES LIST
        $rootpath = Yii::getAlias($this->scanroot);

        $files = FileHelper::findFiles($rootpath, [
            'except' => $this->ignoredItems,
            'only' => $this->phpPatterns,

        // first fetch constants
        $implementstack = [];
        foreach($files as $file) {
            $text = file_get_contents($file);
            $namespace = $this->regexFirstMatch($this->patternNamespace, $text);
            if ($namespace) {
                $class = $this->regexSecondMatch($this->patternClass, $text);
                $implements = $this->regexFirstMatch($this->patternImplements, $text);
                $namespaceclass = $namespace.'\\'.$class;
                $namespaceimplements = $namespace.'\\'.$implements;
                preg_match_all($this->patternConst, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);
                foreach($matches as $match) {
                    $const = $match[1];
                    $msg = $match[2];
                    $this->_constElements[$namespaceclass.'\\'.$const] = $msg;                    
                if ($implements) {
                    $implementstack[$namespaceclass] = $namespaceimplements;
        // apply all the implements
        foreach ($implementstack as $kis => $vis) {
            foreach($this->_constElements as $constname => $msg) {
                if (0 === strpos($constname.'\\', $vis.'\\')) {
                    $this->_constElements[str_replace($vis, $kis, $constname)] = $msg;                    

//        dd($this->_constElements);

        // parse all the files contains a namespace definition
        foreach($files as $file) {
            $text = file_get_contents($file);
            $namespace = $this->regexFirstMatch($this->patternNamespace, $text);
            // process files only if we have a namespace
            if ($namespace) {
                $class = $this->regexSecondMatch($this->patternClass, $text);
                $implements = $this->regexFirstMatch($this->patternImplements, $text);
                $namespaceclass = $namespace.'\\'.$class;
                $namespaceimplements = $namespace.'\\'.$implements;
                if ($this->containsTranslator($this->phpTranslators, $text)) {
                    preg_match_all($this->patternPhp, $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);
                    foreach($matches as $match) {
                        $cat = $match[1];
                        $msg = $match[5];
                        $lines = file($file);
                        $line_number = false;
                        while (list($key, $line) = each($lines) and !$line_number) {
                           $line_number = (strpos($line, $match[0]) !== FALSE) ? $key + 1 : $line_number;
                        // split up the category by . and replace constants
                        $cat = $this->replaceConst($cat, $namespaceclass, $text);
                        $msg = $this->replaceConst($msg, $namespaceclass, $text);
                        if (!in_array($cat, $this->ignoredCategories)) {
                            $this->_languageElements[$cat][$msg][] = $namespaceclass.':'.$line_number;


        return $this->redirect(Yii::$app->request->referrer);

    protected function regexFirstMatch($pattern, &$subject) {
        preg_match($pattern, $subject, $match);
        if (count($match)>0) {
            return $match[1];

    protected function regexSecondMatch($pattern, &$subject) {
        preg_match($pattern, $subject, $match);
        if (count($match)>0) {
            return $match[2];

    protected function replaceConst(string &$argument, string $namespaceclass, string &$text) :string 
        preg_match_all($this->patternConcatSplit, $argument, $argumentdotparts, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER, 0);
        $argumentdotparts = $argumentdotparts[0];
        foreach ($argumentdotparts as $adkey => $adpart) {
            $constparts = explode('::', $adpart);
            if (count($constparts)>1) {
                // we have a constant, replace it with value
                if ($constparts[0] == 'self') {
                    // const within self::
                    $constparts[0] = $namespaceclass;
                    $constname = implode('\\', $constparts);
                    if (isset($this->_constElements[$constname])) {
                        // self refers to itself
                        $argumentdotparts[$adkey] = $this->_constElements[$constname];
                } else {
                    // const within some other class
                    $otherclass = $constparts[0];
                    $useclass = $this->regexFirstMatch(str_replace('<Searchstring>', $otherclass, $this->patternUse), $text);
                    $constparts[0] = $useclass;
                    $constname = implode('\\', $constparts);
                    if (isset($this->_constElements[$constname])) {
                        // self refers to use class
                        $argumentdotparts[$adkey] = $this->_constElements[$constname];
                    } else {
                        // self refers to use as class
                        $useasclass = $this->regexFirstMatch(str_replace('<Searchstring>', $otherclass, $this->patternUseas), $text);
                        $constparts[0] = $useasclass;
                        $constname = implode('\\', $constparts);
                        if (isset($this->_constElements[$constname])) {
                            // self refers to useas class
                            $argumentdotparts[$adkey] = $this->_constElements[$constname];
                $constname = implode('\\', $constparts);
                if (isset($this->_constElements[$constname])) {
                    $argumentdotparts[$adkey] = $this->_constElements[$constname];
            $argumentdotparts[$adkey] = trim($argumentdotparts[$adkey],'"');
            $argumentdotparts[$adkey] = trim($argumentdotparts[$adkey],"'");
        return implode('', $argumentdotparts);

     * Determines whether the file has any of the translators.
     * @param string[] $translators Array of translator patterns to search (for example: `['::t']`).
     * @param string $file Path of the file.
     * @return bool
    protected function containsTranslator($translators, &$text)
        return preg_match(
            '#(' . implode('\s*\()|(', array_map('preg_quote', $translators)) . '\s*\()#i',
        ) > 0;