lakoliu / Furtherance

Track your time without being tracked
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Unable to move window while I have an "edit task" window open #69

Open bordam opened 2 years ago

bordam commented 2 years ago

So basically unlike the task view, which has a hidden, draggable titlebar, and the preferences, you can't move the window while you are editing a task. This could theoretically speaking be annoying, e.g. if you want to check a calendar app to see what time to insert task and furtherance is on the data you want to see. You should, in such case, cancel the edit, move the window and reopen the edit, or move the calendar app. Honestly it's definitely not a big deal but being able to drag the Edit task window would be nice.

lakoliu commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I definitely see the benefit of that. I can probably make this work with a lot of code re-writing to create custom dialogs (can't find a way to make a GtkMessageDialog moveable). I will put it on the list, but it may be a while before I get to it.

flxzt commented 2 years ago

FYI you can move the window without title bars by holding the meta key + dragging with the mouse from anywhere on the active window. @lakoliu there is the possibility of adding a headerbar to the message dialog with the builder (look for the use_header_bar function)