lakoliu / Furtherance

Track your time without being tracked
GNU General Public License v3.0
244 stars 23 forks source link

Add tasks first, then allow time tracking them #84

Open darkguy2008 opened 1 year ago

darkguy2008 commented 1 year ago


I've been looking for a similar app like this for a couple days, and I think Furtherance is the best one I've tried so far, thanks for developing it!

However, I'm actually missing something really important: I'd like to have a way to add tasks first, so I can make a list of all the TODOs I have pending, and then start tracking them.

The current workflow is to start typing, Furtherance then starts timing (which I don't want yet) so I have to stop the timer to add new tasks. It'd be really cool if you could add tasks (even with an empty timer) so you can start tracking them later on during the day. Even better if we can have some kind of window / UI to have a list of tasks to "add" during the day to start tracking them, so in the next day you don't have to retype them, but to bring them from that list.

How hard would it be? I'd love to see that feature sometime soon!

Thanks :)

lakoliu commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the kind words! What you are suggesting is really interesting, I've never thought of that. I will definitely add it to the list of possible features to develop. If some more people speak up here and let me know that a bunch of people would like this feature then it is more likely to move up the list. Right now there are several other things I want to focus on (at the moment I'm putting the finish touches on the mobile app), but I will definitely keep this in mind. Thanks for the suggestion!