laktek / punch

A fun and easy way to build modern websites
MIT License
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Less parser.js error: 385 #36

Closed c11z closed 11 years ago

c11z commented 11 years ago

I recently moved the twitter bootstrap less files into a folder called boostrap in my css folder in templates. I import the bootstrap.less file into a file I call custom.less and use punch's bundling to minify into all.css as per your example.

$ punch s

is successful but

$ punch g
Generating site...

                        throw new(LessError)(e, env);
[object Object]

fails with the above error code. If I run:

$ lessc custom.less

I receive no errors, and if I compile my code with lessc into a css file and remove all my less files from my project then punch g works.

You can look into the project here


laktek commented 11 years ago

Hi Cory,

Problem here is Punch generator tries to process each of the LESS files available in template/css/bootstrap. However, since they are not self-contained and misses dependencies they fail.

You can instruct Punch to leave out the files in a certain path when generating the site. For this, you need to add the following option to you config.json file.

"generator": { "skip_paths": [ "css/bootstrap" ] }

Then try generating the site again and it should work.

BTW, nice use of Punch :) Feel free to add it to the list of sites built with Punch, when you complete the project.

c11z commented 11 years ago

Thanks that solved the problem. I think punch is just great. I have a jekyll blog and I have looked into a lot of other static site generators but punch is the most intuitive I have used yet. When I get the site live I'll add it to the wiki page.