lambci / docker-lambda

Docker images and test runners that replicate the live AWS Lambda environment
MIT License
5.83k stars 431 forks source link

What is the status of this project? #353

Open shogo82148 opened 3 years ago

shogo82148 commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for this project! However, it looks that the project is not active.

New runtimes are available on AWS Lambda, but these issues are still opened.

And the latest update of the images on Docker Hub is 8 month ago.

What is the status of this project? Should we migrate other solutions?

mLupine commented 2 years ago

Lack of support for Python 3.9 and arm64 was a major blocker for the project I'm currently working on, so I decided to spend the last few days on forking and updating this repository.

I'm happy to announce that I've just put some finishing touches on the fork and updated images are now available on Docker Hub. You can see the updated code here. Make sure to read the updated README as the usage might slightly differ compared to the original project.

In case of any problems with those new images, feel free to drop a GitHub issue and I'll do my best to help.

Cheers, Maciej

canassa commented 2 years ago

@mLupine I just tested your python 3.9 images but it seems to be pointing to python 3.8 still

docker run -it mlupin/docker-lambda:python3.9-build bash
Unable to find image 'mlupin/docker-lambda:python3.9-build' locally
python3.9-build: Pulling from mlupin/docker-lambda
a6c054d8c7d3: Pull complete
1556fb30e14d: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:a01bee3170d7715725d679cd252ccb8baf0a5031e97a6a1bccd09391f6371b3b
Status: Downloaded newer image for mlupin/docker-lambda:python3.9-build
bash-4.2# python --version
Python 3.8.11

The non-build gives some weird errors:

 docker run -it mlupin/docker-lambda:python3.9 bash
START RequestId: 59e8f2ca-4d69-18f4-86e9-fe2078596988 Version: $LATEST
[ERROR] Runtime.MalformedHandlerName: Bad handler 'bash': not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
END RequestId: 59e8f2ca-4d69-18f4-86e9-fe2078596988
REPORT RequestId: 59e8f2ca-4d69-18f4-86e9-fe2078596988  Init Duration: 281.10 ms    Duration: 4.07 ms   Billed Duration: 5 ms   Memory Size: 1536 MB    Max Memory Used: 24 MB

{"errorType":"Runtime.MalformedHandlerName","errorMessage":"Bad handler 'bash': not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)"}
mLupine commented 2 years ago

Hi @canassa, there has been a slight issue with Python 3.8 and 3.9 issues shortly after I posted my comment, but I sorted it out a few minutes after. Download the latest version of the image and you should be good — I'm using those images already and didn't have any problem with them so far :)

mrubelmann commented 2 years ago

@mLupine - thank you, thank you, thank you! Your Python 3.9 containers worked for me.

sergey-morenets commented 2 years ago


We also lack support for JDK 17. Are there any plans to add it to the list of supported runtimes?

chrisdlangton commented 2 years ago

definitely abandoned

shogo82148 commented 2 years ago

Finally, I created a fork of lambci/docker-lambda. Welcome for your feedback.