lambda-fairy / maud

:pencil: Compile-time HTML templates for Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Dynamic tag names #428

Open Nick-Mazuk opened 2 months ago

Nick-Mazuk commented 2 months ago

Sometimes it's really helpful to make the tag name dynamic.

For instance, let's say you're making a button component. Sometimes buttons are HTML <a> tags (e.g., for links) and sometimes they're HTML <button> tags (e.g., to submit a form). But much of the styling and JS functionality is the same.

Several front-end frameworks allow the tag names to be dynamic. For instance with Svelte, you can write the following:

    explort let href = ''
    const tag = href ? "a" : "button"

<svelte:element this={tag} {href}>
    I'm a button

It would be great to allow Maud to have similar functionality.

Azel-ytof commented 1 hour ago

Hi, It is a feature I'm looking for too, because I use native webcomponent, so I have custom tag name. Actually, I have found a workaround :

html! {
    (PreEscaped(format!("<{} content=\"{}\"></{}>",, component.content)))

It could be nice to have something that let us make a cleaner line, or to have the possibility to extends existant tags (like head, div, p, ...), maybe with a trait or something else ?