Closed kosty2323 closed 3 years ago
HighwayTools is doing legit interactions that should not be catched by any anticheat. If you need more delay increase break delay like you said. if the reach is too high lower it! 4.5 should do better then 4.9 i guess.
So basically i know of 3 servers that implemented the same fix for the coords exploit and the server-side patch is cancelling some digging packets making HT stuck, on the server that i played on the owner said it will try to find a fix but maybe other players don't have the same luck. An easy bypass would be putting some kind of timeout after a task( i tried with break delay). I will explain below the patch that is causing problems: "and some of these packet types is what we cancel for the exploit; were canceling the ones with values 0,1,2" "... @Override public void onPacketInDigging(PacketEvent e) { if (shouldCancel(e)) e.setCancelled(true); } "shouldCancel method parses the packets distance to player". It would be very nice to find a bypass for this exploit fix.