lambdaclass / cairo-vm

cairo-vm is a Rust implementation of the Cairo VM. Cairo (CPU Algebraic Intermediate Representation) is a programming language for writing provable programs, where one party can prove to another that a certain computation was executed correctly without the need for this party to re-execute the same program.
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Cairo1 proven with Stone fails STARK verification on programs with recursion #1705

Closed Okm165 closed 2 months ago

Okm165 commented 2 months ago

Exploring Cairo1-run Proving

Setup: Cairo1 program ➔ Cairo1-run (recursive layout) ➔ Stone Prover ➔ cairo0-verifier (recursive layout debug mode)

Issue: Some programs work well, while others fail during the cairo0-verifier stage, specifically on the verify_oods that suggests layout/constraint mismatch.

List of Programs Tried:


Not Working:

Observation: There seems to be an issue with regular recursion, but it's possible there's another underlying problem. I investigate further but insights and help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers

pefontana commented 2 months ago

Hi @Okm165 ! Thanks for the report. Yes, we are still working on the proving. Can you try running this program with this branch We still need to merge it but the Fibonacci and Factorial programs can be verified with stone prover

fmoletta commented 2 months ago

Hello! which branch did you run this on?

Okm165 commented 2 months ago

Hey it was main branch

Okm165 commented 2 months ago

Hi guys ;) There seems to be a problem with proof mode run of cairo1-run: branch: cairo-lang-2.6.3 commit: b72f5a93ffeb7de43c2b357ca1555d543c599b0d

This works as expected:

cargo run --release ../cairo_programs/cairo-1-programs/simple.cairo --print_output

Program Output : true

But proof mode makes it fail:

cargo run --release ../cairo_programs/cairo-1-programs/simple.cairo --trace_file program.trace --memory_file program.memory --air_public_input air_public_inpuy.json --air_private_input air_private_input.json --proof_mode

Error: VirtualMachine(Memory(AddressNotRelocatable))

Do u know what happens? Am i doing smth wrong?

Okm165 commented 2 months ago

Issue solved! branch: cairo-lang-2.6.3 commit: b72f5a93ffeb7de43c2b357ca1555d543c599b0d

All previously failing programs are now successfully running -> proving ->verifying (recursive layout) Thanks for help guys!

Some Stats:

What kind of changes does cairo-lang-2.6.3 introduce?

Okm165 commented 2 months ago

@fmoletta Do u know approx. when cairo-lang-2.6.3 is going to be merged to main?

fmoletta commented 2 months ago

@fmoletta Do u know approx. when cairo-lang-2.6.3 is going to be merged to main?

We are soon merging #1709 which bumps the compiler version to 2.6.3 and also skips gas checks during compilation