lambdageek / unbound-generics

Specify variable binding in syntax trees using GHC.Generics (reimplementation of Unbound)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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unbind2Plus doesn't work with two different pattern types #50

Open liesnikov opened 1 year ago

liesnikov commented 1 year ago

using unbind2Plus on two different term types results in an error when printing the terms out, see an example below.

Using it on two terms of the same type doesn't cause errors, as far as I can see.


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric #-}

import qualified Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless as Unbound
import           GHC.Generics (Generic)
import           Control.DeepSeq (NFData, force)

type LName = Unbound.Name LTerm

data LTerm
  = -- | variables  `x`
    LVar LName
  | -- | abstraction  `\x. a`
    LLam (Unbound.Bind LName LTerm)
  | -- | application `a b`
    LApp LTerm LTerm
  deriving (Show, Generic, Unbound.Alpha, NFData)

type RName = Unbound.Name RTerm

data RTerm
  = -- | variables  `x`
    RVar RName
  | -- | abstraction  `\x. a`
    RLam (Unbound.Bind RName RTerm)
  | -- | application `a b`
    RApp RTerm RTerm
  deriving (Show, Generic, Unbound.Alpha, NFData)

lterm :: LTerm
lterm =
  let name = (Unbound.s2n "left")
      var = LVar name
  in LLam (Unbound.bind name var)

rterm :: RTerm
rterm =
  let name = (Unbound.s2n "right")
      var = RVar name
  in RLam (Unbound.bind name var)

test :: IO (LTerm, RTerm)
test = Unbound.runFreshMT $ do
  let (LLam lbind) = lterm
  let (RLam rbind) = rterm
  (lv, lb, rv, rb) <- Unbound.unbind2Plus lbind rbind
  return (lb, rb)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  (l,r) <- test
-- this doesn't cause errors
  let dl = force l
  let dr = force r
-- this does
  putStrLn $ show $ dl
  putStrLn $ show $ dr
-- that's it
  putStrLn "done"


The error I'm getting while printing the right subterm is inconsistent sorts
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at src/Unbound/Generics/LocallyNameless/Alpha.hs:717:20 in unbound-generics-0.4.2-B2j2SNQtM51IWCI7gQ83CW:Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Alpha


this is using GHC 9.02, but also works on at least 9.2.2 unbound-generics version is the current revision a2a5580580

How to build the example

I have this example in a reproducible build. Here is a gist with all relevant files.

liesnikov commented 1 year ago

The workaround I settled for is using unbind separately on the two terms, i.e.

let (lv, lb) <- Unbound.unbind lterm
    (rv, rb) <- Unbound.unbind rterm
in ...

instead of (lv, lb, rv, rb) <- Unbound.unbind2Plus lbind rbind.