From time to time it seems I get stuck in 'jupyter mode' - I cannot re-enter edit mode unless I hit refresh on my browser. This seems to happen at random.
macOS Sierra, 10.12.6
Chrome Version 62.0.3202.94 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Jupyter 4.3.0 (anaconda)
jupyter-vim-binding v2.0.6-2-gd6e3886
All cells get stuck in jupyter notebook mode, cannot re-enter any 'vim' mode
Can switch between jupyter mode, edit mode, insert mode, etc.
Step by step procedure
I cannot reliably reproduce this error.
What you have done to solve the issue
I have tried installing/reinstalling extension. I have ran my notebook online or offline.
From time to time it seems I get stuck in 'jupyter mode' - I cannot re-enter edit mode unless I hit refresh on my browser. This seems to happen at random.
All cells get stuck in jupyter notebook mode, cannot re-enter any 'vim' mode
Can switch between jupyter mode, edit mode, insert mode, etc.
Step by step procedure
I cannot reliably reproduce this error.
What you have done to solve the issue
I have tried installing/reinstalling extension. I have ran my notebook online or offline.