lambdalisue / vim-suda

🥪 An alternative sudo.vim for Vim and Neovim, limited support sudo in Windows
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SudaWrite failure based on cwd? #48

Open axieax opened 2 years ago

axieax commented 2 years ago

Was struggling to debug this issue for a while, not sure if this is expected behaviour?

SudaWrite /etc/environment from / ->


SudoWrite /etc/environment from /etc -> success

lambdalisue commented 2 years ago

Not sure but it seems fails somehow...

What happen if you directly call suda#write() like (note that it will overwrite the content of /etc/foobar so BE CAREFUL!)

:call suda#write('suda:///etc/foobar')


:echo substitute('suda:///etc/foobar', '\v^(suda://)+', '', '')
axieax commented 2 years ago

:call suda#write('suda:///etc/foobar')

No errors, working as expected

:echo substitute('suda:///etc/foobar', '\v^(suda://)+', '', '')


axieax commented 2 years ago




lambdalisue commented 2 years ago

It's quite strange. What happen if you modify the code like

function! suda#write(expr, ...) abort range
  echomsg "expr:" . a:expr
  echomsg "expand:" . expand(a:expr)
  echomsg "path:" . s:strip_prefix(expand(a:expr))
  " Original code starts from here
  let path = s:strip_prefix(expand(a:expr))
  " ...
axieax commented 2 years ago

Sometimes I have issues, sometimes not..

Successful (call nvim /etc/environment from user home directory, or nvim environment from /etc): image

Fail (call nvim /etc/environment from root directory): image

lambdalisue commented 2 years ago

What about

function! suda#write(expr, ...) abort range
  echomsg "expr:" . a:expr
  echomsg "expand:" . expand(a:expr)
  echomsg "bufname:" . bufname("%")
  echomsg "expand:" . expand("%")
  echomsg "path:" . s:strip_prefix(expand(a:expr))
  " Original code starts from here
  let path = s:strip_prefix(expand(a:expr))
  " ...
axieax commented 2 years ago


lambdalisue commented 2 years ago

It's quite puzzling... I'm sorry but I've no idea...

axieax commented 2 years ago

Thought this was an issue with my Linux permissions after removing some shada files, but it seems that I can also reproduce this on my Mac. Just wondering if you are able to reproduce this as well?

lambdalisue commented 2 years ago

How to reproduce the issue?

axieax commented 2 years ago

Fail (call nvim /etc/environment from root directory)

Then launch :SudaWrite

lambdalisue commented 2 years ago

Then I could not reproduce it

aarondill commented 1 year ago

@axieax I can not reproduce this either. Is your vim config available online?

axieax commented 1 year ago

Hi, yes it's available in my dotconfig repo:

aarondill commented 1 year ago

Have you tried reproducing this since your migration to lazy.nvim?