lambdamusic / Ontospy

Python library and command-line interface for inspecting and visualizing RDF models aka ontologies.
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Lack of good quality SPARQL test queries #115

Open Ritvik1712 opened 2 years ago

Ritvik1712 commented 2 years ago

We tried to run SPARQL queries by copying them as it is from the demo link. However we faced errors while running the queries due to lack of support for pre defined prefixes present in the tutorial. To help the community better compose correct queries and understand what are the missing attributes while using queries on DBPedia endpoints, we are raising this issue to add additional test cases in the file. Currently the test file contains on one query which is very trivial and thus, does not test a majority of the filters in SPARQL. Addition of more queries to the test file would help give a better picture of how the queries are run and provide examples to the community when they create their own custom queries to be run on the DBPedia endpoint.

lambdamusic commented 2 years ago

Not sure I understand the point of this. Why should we include specific DBpedia queries in Ontospy?

Ontospy aims to make it easier to pull/document schema information from an RDF source. Any RDF source, ideally.

A Sparql endpoint is a possible source. DBPedia just so happens to provide such an endpoint - so not sure why the focus on DBpedia..

ajnelson-nist commented 1 year ago

@Ritvik1712 would your needs be satisfied by inlining prefixes with the PREFIX directive? See e.g. how FOAF is inlined in the first example of section 2: