lambdamusic / Ontospy

Python library and command-line interface for inspecting and visualizing RDF models aka ontologies.
MIT License
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Tree container spans too far & prefix issue #51

Closed soderluk closed 5 years ago

soderluk commented 5 years ago

The tree container which shows the hierarchy on the class page spans out of view, and adds a horizontal scrollbar. See attached image. image

Also, the ontology prefix is wrong, it should be pot:Building, but apparently because the ontology URL ends in pot.jsonld# it somehow sets the prefix to that. Is it possible to actually use the correct preferredPrefix?

lambdamusic commented 5 years ago

The tree container had to be set like that in order to handle big trees. IMHO don't think the horizontal scroll bar is such a problem.. but if you can find a CSS fix please do open a pull request!

As per the prefix: normally that is generated using rdflib namespaces functions.

So not too sure what could be the error. Please share your ontology otherwise there's no way I can investigate..