lambgeo / docker-lambda

AWS Lambda friendly GDAL Docker images and AWS Lambda layer
MIT License
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RPATH modification rationale? #67

Closed moradology closed 7 months ago

moradology commented 7 months ago

The work in this repo is really solid and I'm fairly certain it will serve as a useful reference for the geospatial community. With that said, I'm curious about the rpath modifications done in the main dockerfile here:

What's this part doing? GDAL seems to function nicely without it, but perhaps I'm not fully exercising relevant functions that will be upset when they can't find headers at runtime.

For context, it appears as though at least some of the custom EMR images I'm aiming to build gdal against have completely broken perl installations which cause patchelf builds to fall over. Like: necessary pragma files (e.g. just aren't there.

vincentsarago commented 7 months ago

What's this part doing? GDAL seems to function nicely without it, but perhaps I'm not fully exercising relevant functions that will be upset when they can't find headers at runtime.

the rpath modification is done to make sure we keep a relative reference for the libs when we package lambda layer or package

If the goal is to build a pure docker image the rpath usage can be removed