lambgeo / docker-lambda

AWS Lambda friendly GDAL Docker images and AWS Lambda layer
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libsqlite3 linking broken on 3.8 images #71

Closed jasongi-ac closed 5 months ago

jasongi-ac commented 6 months ago

Having a similar issue to this one:

Steps for a simple reproduction:

docker run --rm -it
cd /var/task
pip install django -t /var/task
python -c 'from django.contrib.gis import gdal; print("success")'

workaround is to add LD_PRELOAD in your lambda env vars like so:


You can test this fix by doing the following simple repro:

docker run --rm -it
cd /var/task
pip install django -t /var/task
LD_PRELOAD=/opt/lib/ python -c 'from django.contrib.gis import gdal; print("success")'

I suspect the culprit is one of these libs outside of /opt/lib/:

bash-4.2# find /  -name "libsql*"

I think it can be fixed by specifying either CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH or SQLITE3_LIBRARY

jasongi-ac commented 6 months ago

The culprit is /var/lang/lib/

bash-4.2# ldd /opt/lib/ | grep sqlite => /var/lang/lib/ (0x00007f33c6e5f000)

edit: Actually I don't think that's the case, all this cmake stuff really goes over my head. Appears to be dynamically being set at runtime. You can fix it by setting LD_PRELOAD or even LD_LIBRARY_PATH works. Would be better if this worked without that though, since the only viable option in lambda is LD_PRELOAD. Isn't this the reasoning behind doing the rpath stuff, so this doesn't happen?

jasongi commented 6 months ago

after a couple of false starts adding

RUN patchelf --force-rpath --set-rpath '$ORIGIN' $PREFIX/lib/

to the docker build seems to do the trick. PR here:

vincentsarago commented 6 months ago


 docker run --platform=linux/amd64 --entrypoint bash --rm ldd /opt/lib/ | grep "sql" => /lib64/ (0x0000004006e28000)
vincentsarago commented 6 months ago

@jasongi really appreciate your effort here, I have myself spends days on similar issues 😭

Sadly, as noted in your PR I think there is a bigger issue (see proj lib). I'm not sure I have enough free time at the moment to work on this but I'll try