lambtron / emojipacks

CLI to bulk upload emojis to your Slack
MIT License
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Error: Application Error: unable to find api token on login page #167

Open conseev opened 5 years ago

conseev commented 5 years ago

When I try to use this, it fails with:

[root@server emojipacks]# emojipacks Slack subdomain: conseev Email address login: Password: **** Path or URL of Emoji yaml file: slackmojis-retro-game.yaml Starting import Got tokens Uh oh! Error: Application Error: unable to find api token on login page (node:6581) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error: Application Error: unable to find api token on login page

conseev commented 5 years ago

The tips in resolved this issue. However, the actual ability to bulk uplaod is still limited by Slack's API rate limiting.