lamik / OLED_SSD1327_STM32_HAL

16-gray scale 1.32" OLED with STM32 HAL
MIT License
2 stars 2 forks source link

Minor Typo in OLED_SSD1327.c #1

Open spanksy opened 5 months ago

spanksy commented 5 months ago

The I2C and SPI HandleTypeDef pointers are labeled as "ssd1337_i2c" and "ssd1337_spi" respectively. I could not find anything regarding the existence of SSD1337 drivers in general, or any intent that this driver was designed to include said alleged nonexistent driver. Therefore, I believe that referring the current labels include typos and should be labeled as "ssd1327_i2c" and "ssd1327_spi". The typo persists throughout OLED_SSD1327.c and is contained within it, so no other files are affected and no bugs or compilation errors occur as a result of the typo.

lamik commented 5 months ago

Yup it's a typo :)