lamikr / rocm_sdk_builder

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rocm sdk 6.1.2 release #65

Open lamikr opened 2 weeks ago

lamikr commented 2 weeks ago

I started porting to 6.1.2 version and it's now on wip/rocm_sdk_builder_612

Changelog so far:

jeroen-mostert commented 2 weeks ago

On Manjaro (and presumably Arch) building this branch fails due to the msgpack dependency breaking. The fix is mentioned here:

By changing line 105 of rocm_sdk_builder/src_projects/hipBLASLt/tensilelite/Tensile/Source/lib/CMakeLists.txt to find_package(msgpack REQUIRED NAMES msgpack msgpack-cxx msgpack-c) CMake is able to find the dependency and the build can continue.

But this doesn't seem to have landed as part of the general batch of fixes for Ubuntu.

I can't easily produce a pull at the moment as I'm spread across machines but FWIW I've attached the (unsigned) patch, main credit still goes to Dani. hipBLASLt-000x-Tensilelite-fix-msgpack.patch.txt

lamikr commented 1 week ago

Thanks, I somehow originally thought that the fix was only needed to Should have read more carefully. Based on to Danis comment, I now created the pr for this but I put @daniandtheweb as an author of the patch and you also signing it of. Is that OK.

lamikr commented 1 week ago

Manjaro and arch-linux patch is now merged. I also updated the hipBLASLt patches to remove some patch that was not needed. I also get rid of from hardcoding of rocm install dir and rocm llvm dir in aotriton build by making patches that pass the install dir as a build parameter. Similar type of patch is coming to aotriton, I am just still testing it on different environments.

After those patches are in 6.1.2 branch, there should to my knowledge be any projects with hardcoded install directory.