lamontenunn / Practice-Scrum-and-GitHub-Flow

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Enable students to view the grades #1

Open lamontenunn opened 10 months ago

lamontenunn commented 10 months ago

[PBI] As a student, I want to be able to view my grades so that I can keep track of my academic grades.

[More description, planning]

The feature will involve creating a UI interface where students can log in and view their grades for various subjects. The grades will be fetched from a database.

[Task list] Design the UI for the grade view page. Implement the backend logic to fetch grades from the database. Integrate the frontend and backend. Write tests for the feature.

[Acceptance Criteria] The grades must be viewable in a clean, organized format. Students should only be able to view their own grades. The feature must support viewing grades for multiple subjects. All code must be adequately tested.

[Acceptance Tests] Log in as a student and navigate to the grades page. Verify that the grades are displayed correctly. Attempt to view grades for another student. Verify that access is denied. Check the feature on multiple devices to ensure UI compatibility. Run automated tests to confirm all components work as expected.

lamontenunn commented 10 months ago
