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英語圏の方への祈り支援訴求ページ #150

Open kasugamori opened 6 years ago

kasugamori commented 6 years ago



【タイトル】To those who pray for Japan 日本のために祈ってくださる方へ

This website is made for "Japanese people for Japanese people" to convey the gospel of Jesus.

If someone who seemed to want to support this project read the page, I hope you will remember it as prayer. Those who give concrete assistance are setting up Paypal, so please give us support from here.

→(paypalリンクを貼り付ける) I would like to tell you the circumstances that led me to this project from now.





◆The Japanese "dislikes religion at all”(日本人は「宗教が全部嫌い」)

As you probably know, Japanese Christians are less than 1% of the population and are also on a downward trend.

In Japan there is no idea of "God" or "original sin" before "Jesus Christ".

Most people prefer not to come to pinpoint that "I believe only in believing my sins".

Rather, many Japanese dislike "religion" entirely because of the influence of "sarin subway incident" etc.

("Subway Sarin Incident" is terrorism raised by an emerging religious organization called "Aum Shinrikyo" in 1995. Putting sarin (poisonous) on the subway station of Tokyo under the name "for salvation of people" and leaving the dead It was nationwide news that I did it.)

Since then, religion has become “All religion is bad" for the Japanese.

Most people have thought that "There is only insanity at the end of faith."

I was one such person.









◆Have them know that "faith is necessary for you" to inform the gospel(福音を知らせるために「信仰はあなたに必要」だと知ってもらう)

However, I have learned of "the true love of Jesus".

Knowing properly, I noticed that I misunderstood Christianity. If I had a chance to know it properly, I began to feel bad that I could understand that "the cross of Jesus is deep love that I can not imitate anything in this world".

In reality Japan, "the religion is all doubtful" and "the faith is nothing to do", the opportunity to know properly is lost.

Many Japanese who do not know God or Jesus' cross are caught in emptiness. To that evidence, Japan has a high suicide rate in the top level among developed countries.

A lot of souls will be saved if you let the Japanese know the gospel.

So what should we start with?

First of all, we thought that it is necessary for many Japanese people to feel that "Christianity is not your enemy."

What to do ... the vision given in prayer was that "speak in parables from what everyone knows familiarly."

Everyone knows well, Easy to explain to us ...

It is manga / anime.

This website is led from such a vision. " 【Itsukami】When did we come to be under the illusion that we don`t know God"









みんながよく知っていて、 私たちにも説明しやすいもの…




◆ "Itsukami" is such a website(「いつかみ」はこんなwebサイトです)

· Easy to read in a story format · Interpret the common part between manga and animation messages and Christianity (Bible) messages (occasionally handling "incompatible parts") · Anyone with a web environment can read it for free

It's been 6 months since I started making it, already about 1000 people have been seen. I think that it will be read by many more people if time passes.

Would you please pray for Japan's salvation in this crisis situation? We are seeking support for prayers.

And those who come true will be saved if you can help with Paypal.

・ストーリー形式でよみやすい ・マンガやアニメのメッセージとキリスト教(聖書)のメッセージとの共通部分(たまに「相容れない部分」も取り扱います)を読み解いていく ・web環境があれば誰でも無料で読める




"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.(Matthew 5:14-16 ESV)



uesakaeita commented 6 years ago




uesakaeita commented 6 years ago


kasugamori commented 6 years ago

英語専用の「How to support this pj」のページが必要だと思いました。 →2018.8.10 かすが着手してます