lamw / vsphere-automated-lab-deployment

vSphere Automated Lab Deployment for vSphere 6.x (6.0, 6.5 & 6.7)
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General Virtual SAN Error #10

Open jbfriedrich opened 6 years ago

jbfriedrich commented 6 years ago

After successfully deploying my nested 6.0 environment, I wanted to deploy vSphere 6.5 as well. I disabled NSX for now, but always run into the following error:

[10-10-2017_11:21:14] Adding ESXi host esxi65-1 to Cluster ...
[10-10-2017_11:21:41] Adding ESXi host esxi65-2 to Cluster ...
[10-10-2017_11:22:05] Adding ESXi host esxi65-3 to Cluster ...
[10-10-2017_11:22:32] Enabling VSAN Space Efficiency/De-Dupe & disabling VSAN Health Check ...
Set-VsanClusterConfiguration : 10.10.2017 23:22:55    Set-VsanClusterConfiguration        General Virtual SAN error.
Reason 1: Detected host(s) are running in mixed mode, please upgrade ESX servers to the same version.
At C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\VMware-Autolab\vsphere-6.5-vghetto-standard-lab-deployment.ps1:856 char:83
+         Get-VsanClusterConfiguration -Server $vc -Cluster $NewVCVSANClusterName  ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Set-VsanClusterConfiguration], ViError
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Storage_Impl_VsanServiceImpl_ErrorSettingSpaceEfficiency,VMware.VimAutomation.Storage.Commands.Cmdlets.Vsan.SetVsanClusterConfig

[10-10-2017_11:23:02] Querying ESXi host disks to create VSAN Diskgroups ...
[10-10-2017_11:23:02] Creating VSAN DiskGroup for ...
New-VsanDiskGroup : 10.10.2017 23:23:03    New-VsanDiskGroup        VSAN runtime fault on server '/VIServer=virtlab65.local\administrator@':
Unknown server error.
At C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\VMware-Autolab\vsphere-6.5-vghetto-standard-lab-deployment.ps1:872 char:13
+             New-VsanDiskGroup -Server $vc -VMHost $vmhost -SsdCanonicalName $vsa ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [New-VsanDiskGroup], ViError
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Storage_Impl_VsanServiceImpl_ErrorCreatingDiskGroup,VMware.VimAutomation.Storage.Commands.Cmdlets.Vsan.NewVsanDiskGroup

I am not sure why it thinks I am running in a "mixed mode", as every nested ESXi comes from the Nested_ESXi6.5d_Appliance_Template_v1.0.ova template (without any updates for now).

I am deploying this to a VMware ESXi, 6.5.0, 6765664 with SSDs only (2 x 500 GB). For the nested VCSA deployment I am using VCSA-6.5.0-4602587.

plrnr commented 5 years ago

I am seeing same error. Any help please?

PowerCLI C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\nestedvmware> .\vsphere-6.5-vghetto-standard-lab-deployment.p

Please confirm the following configuration will be deployed:

---- vGhetto vSphere Automated Lab Deployment Configuration ----
Deployment Target: ESXI
Deployment Type: Standard
vSphere Version: vSphere 6.5
Nested ESXi Image Path: C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\nestedvmware\Nested_ESXi6.5d_Appliance_Templat
VCSA Image Path: C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\nestedvmware\VMware-VCSA-all-6.5.0-9451637

---- Physical ESXi Deployment Target Configuration ----
ESXi Address:
Username: root
VM Network: VM Network
VM Storage: datastore1

---- vESXi Configuration ----
# of Nested ESXi VMs: 3
vCPU: 8
vMEM: 16 GB
Caching VMDK: 4 GB
Capacity VMDK: 500 GB
IP Address(s):
Enable SSH: true
Create VMFS Volume: false
Root Password: vmware123

---- VCSA Configuration ----
Deployment Size: tiny
SSO Domain: toka.local
SSO Site: toka
SSO Password: VMware1!
Root Password: VMware1!
Enable SSH: true
IP Address:

---- Resource Requirements ----
ESXi VM CPU: 24 ESXi VM Memory: 48 GB ESXi VM Storage: 1512 GB
VCSA VM CPU: 2 VCSA VM Memory: 10 GB VCSA VM Storage: 250 GB
Total CPU: 26
Total Memory: 58 GB
Total Storage: 1762 GB

Would you like to proceed with this deployment?

Do you accept (Y or N): y
[10-31-2018_12:52:30] Connecting to ...
[10-31-2018_12:52:32] Deploying Nested ESXi VM vesxi65-1 ...
[10-31-2018_12:52:50] Correcting missing dvFilter settings for Eth1 ...
WARNING: Parameter 'Entity' is obsolete. This parameter no longer accepts multiple values.
WARNING: Parameter 'Entity' is obsolete. This parameter no longer accepts multiple values.
[10-31-2018_12:52:50] Updating VM Network ...
[10-31-2018_12:52:58] Updating vCPU Count to 8 & vMEM to 16 GB ...
[10-31-2018_12:52:59] Updating vSAN Caching VMDK size to 4 GB ...
[10-31-2018_12:53:02] Updating vSAN Capacity VMDK size to 500 GB ...
[10-31-2018_12:53:05] Adding guestinfo customization properties to vesxi65-1 ...
[10-31-2018_12:53:06] Powering On vesxi65-1 ...
[10-31-2018_12:53:08] Deploying Nested ESXi VM vesxi65-2 ...
[10-31-2018_12:53:28] Correcting missing dvFilter settings for Eth1 ...
WARNING: Parameter 'Entity' is obsolete. This parameter no longer accepts multiple values.
WARNING: Parameter 'Entity' is obsolete. This parameter no longer accepts multiple values.
[10-31-2018_12:53:28] Updating VM Network ...
[10-31-2018_12:53:35] Updating vCPU Count to 8 & vMEM to 16 GB ...
[10-31-2018_12:53:36] Updating vSAN Caching VMDK size to 4 GB ...
[10-31-2018_12:53:40] Updating vSAN Capacity VMDK size to 500 GB ...
[10-31-2018_12:53:43] Adding guestinfo customization properties to vesxi65-2 ...
[10-31-2018_12:53:44] Powering On vesxi65-2 ...
[10-31-2018_12:53:45] Deploying Nested ESXi VM vesxi65-3 ...
[10-31-2018_12:54:05] Correcting missing dvFilter settings for Eth1 ...
WARNING: Parameter 'Entity' is obsolete. This parameter no longer accepts multiple values.
WARNING: Parameter 'Entity' is obsolete. This parameter no longer accepts multiple values.
[10-31-2018_12:54:05] Updating VM Network ...
[10-31-2018_12:54:12] Updating vCPU Count to 8 & vMEM to 16 GB ...
[10-31-2018_12:54:13] Updating vSAN Caching VMDK size to 4 GB ...
[10-31-2018_12:54:16] Updating vSAN Capacity VMDK size to 500 GB ...
[10-31-2018_12:54:19] Adding guestinfo customization properties to vesxi65-3 ...
[10-31-2018_12:54:21] Powering On vesxi65-3 ...
[10-31-2018_12:54:22] Creating VCSA JSON Configuration file for deployment ...
[10-31-2018_12:54:22] Deploying the VCSA ...
[10-31-2018_01:30:16] Disconnecting from ...
[10-31-2018_01:30:16] Connecting to the new VCSA ...
[10-31-2018_01:30:22] Creating Datacenter Datacenter ...
[10-31-2018_01:30:22] Creating VSAN Cluster VSAN-Cluster ...
[10-31-2018_01:30:23] Adding ESXi host to Cluster ...
[10-31-2018_01:30:58] Adding ESXi host to Cluster ...
[10-31-2018_01:31:27] Adding ESXi host to Cluster ...
[10-31-2018_01:31:54] Enabling VSAN Space Efficiency/De-Dupe & disabling VSAN Health Check ...
Set-VsanClusterConfiguration : 10/31/2018 1:32:57 PM    Set-VsanClusterConfiguration            General vSAN error.
Reason 1:
At C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\nestedvmware\vsphere-6.5-vghetto-standard-lab-deployment.ps1:857
+ ... usterName | Set-VsanClusterConfiguration -SpaceEfficiencyEnabled $tru ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Set-VsanClusterConfiguration], ViError
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Storage_Impl_VsanServiceImpl_ErrorSettingSpaceEfficiency,VMware.VimAuto

[10-31-2018_01:33:01] Querying ESXi host disks to create VSAN Diskgroups ...
[10-31-2018_01:33:01] Creating VSAN DiskGroup for ...
[10-31-2018_01:33:38] Querying ESXi host disks to create VSAN Diskgroups ...
[10-31-2018_01:33:38] Creating VSAN DiskGroup for ...
[10-31-2018_01:34:14] Querying ESXi host disks to create VSAN Diskgroups ...
[10-31-2018_01:34:14] Creating VSAN DiskGroup for ...
[10-31-2018_01:34:51] Clearing default VSAN Health Check Alarms, not applicable in Nested ESXi env ...
[10-31-2018_01:34:51] Disconnecting from new VCSA ...
[10-31-2018_01:34:51] vSphere 6.5 Lab Deployment Complete!
[10-31-2018_01:34:51] StartTime: 10/31/2018 12:52:22
[10-31-2018_01:34:51]   EndTime: 10/31/2018 13:34:51
[10-31-2018_01:34:51]  Duration: 42.47 minutes
vchrisst commented 5 years ago


I got the same error like you did. Search for the line in the script:

Get-VsanClusterConfiguration -Server $vc -Cluster $NewVCVSANClusterName | Set-VsanClusterConfiguration -SpaceEfficiencyEnabled $true -HealthCheckIntervalMinutes 0 | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile

in the script and change it to this:

Get-VsanClusterConfiguration -Server $vc -Cluster $NewVCVSANClusterName | Set-VsanClusterConfiguration -HealthCheckIntervalMinutes 0 | Out-File -Append -LiteralPath $verboseLogFile

For me that did the trick and the script continued without any additional error messages.

Regards Chris