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where is DrugReference? #8

Open eshinesimida opened 1 year ago

eshinesimida commented 1 year ago

Load tissue specific drug reference produced by PrepareReference function as mentioned above. Please select proper tissue accroding to the disease.

my_gene_info<-read.table(file="DrugReference/breast_gene_info.txt",sep="\t",header = T,quote = "") my_drug_info<-read.table(file="DrugReference/breast_drug_info.txt",sep="\t",header = T,quote = "") drug.ref.profiles = GetDrugRef(drug.response.path = 'DrugReference/breast_rankMatrix.txt', = my_gene_info, = my_drug_info)

hebinghb commented 1 year ago

You may want to run the code in the section: Prepare Drug Referecne Library Here are them:

eshinesimida commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much