lancachenet / docker-compose

Docker-compose for a full-stack lancache
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Epic games downloads do not work #41

Closed SummitV12 closed 7 months ago

SummitV12 commented 7 months ago

I've been running lancache for a fair amount of time, working perfectly with Steam. I've just now run across trying to download some games through Epic and receive error code MD-DL-508. Disabling my PiHole's redirection to lancache solves the issue for the time being. I'm not sure how best to parse the logs, but grep'ing access.log shows a few of the following:

[05/Feb/2024:13:39:48 -0600] "GET /Builds/Org/o-4m3t3rbr8yw4rpfdlb6yjppdf6ztbf/d42d7101bb7a41c09a810ee418b7d3d0/default/wk6ucq3Tpr3m_j-rCUCuvRRuzT6znQ.manifest?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOiBbeyJSZXNvdXJjZSI6IiovQnVpbGRzL09yZy9vLTRtM3QzcmJyOHl3NHJwZmRsYjZ5anBwZGY2enRiZi9kNDJkNzEwMWJiN2E0MWMwOWE4MTBlZTQxOGI3ZDNkMC9kZWZhdWx0L3drNnVjcTNUcHIzbV9qLXJDVUN1dlJSdXpUNnpuUS5tYW5pZmVzdCIsIkNvbmRpdGlvbiI6eyJEYXRlTGVzc1RoYW4iOnsiQVdTOkVwb2NoVGltZSI6MTcwNzE2MjI4OH0sIklwQWRkcmVzcyI6eyJBV1M6U291cmNlSXAiOiIwLjAuMC4wLzAifX19XX0_&Signature=tgQ6UmeVkflouSShwOrgyeY9zRoqVdxLz6GT3KhCEYb5Mg1uX4K68xSgjuVCXzL7OwzHuFx3lBWOAGT-7O7uzs8mNxX7D5Rkmij~CU2KxKSVJNJ3XMPmwY8e-wsMdZq6nuEIcYKco7UmVPDNi7dgUajjJKqG-rKeB-Fj1i69QLp1pzuT6GyPjqYMY-HW4G1Fnc5CoIdirLG0-ngSt6l-tVWQcLM5dMR8Y6y2cD5IuO5kFAoCaaGbq~fPHS7Y9W8GOAvg0sR8H5ewAXSy4WOWwPS~Z0-JmKZjRuANSkzElxKtNzvWzBGftS--5Csr5JRZKQiCMu44z7zlFKorpSdhyA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAI5CNFPJPTPYZISXQ HTTP/1.1" 508 0 "-" "EpicGamesLauncher/15.21.1-31156288+++Portal+Release-Live Windows/10.0.22621.1.256.64bit" "MISS" "" "-"

Running via docker-compose, just did a fresh install today as I started to dig into this.

Pardon if this has already been solved (didn't see a similar recent issue), but let me know if I can provide further info to help. I know certain clients use https for transfer, but I'm not seeing that in a pcap through Wireshark. Somewhere deep in a thread someone mentioned that Epic may download its initial manifest for a game over https - pure shot in the dark there though.


SummitV12 commented 7 months ago

Switched from the docker-compose container to just using monolithic as I already had PiHole in place. For some reason, works like a charm now.