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S130 Central BLE with security #55

Open remay opened 8 years ago

remay commented 8 years ago

Placeholder for updates/discussion on creating a Central micro:bit implementation with security.

remay commented 8 years ago

Well ... I now know far more about BLE generally, the mbed abstraction, the Nordic instanciation behind the mbed abstraction and the S130 softdevice then I ever expected to, or perhaps is healthy, but I do (I think) have most of what's needed in place. I haven't actually paired 2 micro:bit devices yet, but I do have my central triggering the display of the pairing code on the peripheral.

Now that I understand things I've had to add remarkably little to the mbed and nordic layers - but it needs some work to get it into a state where it could be merged.

My intention is to get it working fully and then work on hiding the details in the DAL's BLEManager - so that others can use it without going through the pain I've just been through. It'll need some conditionals so that we don't bloat the standard runtime, but I think other than that it'll be pretty clean.

Current (messy) state in my repositories: ble [central-passkey branch]: ble-nrf51822 [central-passkey branch]: dal [secure-ble branch]: microbit-ble-bridge [secure-ble branch]:

remay commented 8 years ago

@finneyj I rather fallen behind with getting this up and running, but hope to get back to it again next week. Is the new BLE stuff now stable(ish), as I've spent a lot of my time available to this project so far this year trying to keep up and merging changes ...