lancehalberd / spirit-world

Zelda-like adventure game
2 stars 2 forks source link

Make side areas #3

Open buzzingnat opened 3 years ago

buzzingnat commented 3 years ago

Some should require specific skills. Others can just have puzzles. All should be exciting things for players to find in the world.

Start by using a single large zone. Break it out into more or smaller zones as needed. The world map is 9 super-tiles, the side areas should not be any larger than that if they all live in a single zone.

Make 1 or 2 side areas that can be completed with no tools, then only one side area per other tool. Maybe make a few side areas combining required tools. If there are enough side areas, we can include them at random with the randomizer tool. Alternately, we can just use our favorite ones.