lancopku / DPGAN

Diversity-Promoting Generative Adversarial Network for Generating Informative and Diversified Text (EMNLP2018)
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Generated Review problem #4

Open akhileshkumargangwar opened 6 years ago

akhileshkumargangwar commented 6 years ago

I want to ask how data is splitted into postive and negative reviews.When I checked manually many reviews whose score is 1 or 2 has been assigned to positive folder (discriminator_train/positive).Logically it is negative review. After adversial training in this (train_sample_generated/7epoch_step2_temp_positive/000012.txt) file generated review is just copy of original given review. Orginal Input Review-- {"review": "i wasnt thrilled with the taste of the food compared to how pricy it is . i would have enjoyed a juicy steak somewhere else . however i do like the romance of fondue", "score": "3"} Generated Review in file 000012.txt---{"label": "1", "example": "i would have enjoyed a juicy steak somewhere else . however i do like the romance of fondue"}

It has just reduced one sentence. Is it like that.

jingjingxupku commented 6 years ago

"discriminator_train/positive" stores the real data. "discriminator_train/negative" stores the data generated by our code. It is important to note that "positive/negative" means the positive samples and negative samples for discriminator, rather than favourable/disapproving comments.

akhileshkumargangwar commented 6 years ago

Thank You, please give some hint about my second question.

jingjingxupku commented 6 years ago

train_sample_generated/7epoch_step2_temp_positive/000012.txt is not the generated data. It is the copy of original reviews to show what the real-life reviews should be. If you want to see the generated data, please open the folder "train_sample_generated/7epoch_step2_temp_negative/000012.txt".

akhileshkumargangwar commented 6 years ago

Thank You, Your code is very good and has used text data as input. I am confused with positive, negative terms. Thanks to make your code publicly available. May you please give some description in readme about which generated folders contains what.Many folders has been generated and how to find corresponding input to generated output. Your code is good compare to other available code like SeqGAN and others. It will be helpful for novice researchers.

jingjingxupku commented 6 years ago

I will add more folder descriptions in soon. Thank you for your suggestion!

akhileshkumargangwar commented 5 years ago

Please add folder description

jingjingxupku commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I will upload the folder description in 24 hours.

akhileshkumargangwar commented 5 years ago

Thanks for updating Readme

mambalong commented 5 years ago

@akhileshkumargangwar How long does it take to run the code? I run the code by running the "" file. It has been 24 hours now, it is still running. And I am using a GPU.