landgreen / n-gon

2-d physics rogue-lite platformer shooter
GNU General Public License v3.0
143 stars 205 forks source link

Grappling Hook coupling effect is undefined #117

Closed kgurchiek closed 9 months ago

kgurchiek commented 9 months ago


landgreen commented 9 months ago

see patch notes

"grappling hook is now a field (work in progress) reworked physics to allow faster speeds, but more control improved rate of power up grabbing more player control to hook retraction rate changed hook shape and field image graphics grappling hook field coupling, more tech, bug fixes, and general polish to be added soon"

Masbirb commented 9 months ago

my idea for a coupling effect is maybe it could be +1 IX when blocks are destroyed per coupling so coupling has a use on it

landgreen commented 9 months ago

but any suggestions for the coupling effect?

kgurchiek commented 9 months ago

Oh, I didn't see the "to be added soon" at the very end, sorry

landgreen commented 9 months ago

+1 IX?

kgurchiek commented 9 months ago

Maybe coupling effect could be shooting faster, and then just hitscan once it reaches a certain speed

Masbirb commented 9 months ago

I was thinking something that uses the fact that it destroys blocks

Masbirb commented 9 months ago

+1 IX?

I mean it would create one of those ice crystal things when it destroys a block

landgreen commented 9 months ago

oh right I forgot ice-9

Masbirb commented 9 months ago

oh right I forgot ice-9

Thanks for telling me how to pronounce it

landgreen commented 9 months ago

it's from the book cat cradle

kgurchiek commented 9 months ago

I think something to do with destroying blocks would make sense since it's a unique mechanic to that field, maybe exploding them into nails? Similar to ice-9 on perfect diamagnetism, you could have increased amount of nails shot out

Masbirb commented 9 months ago

I'll give it a read

landgreen commented 9 months ago

cool, it's a strange book but I liked it.