landgreen / n-gon

2-d physics rogue-lite platformer shooter
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Suggestion for a Feature: Zipline #123

Closed corneeme closed 9 months ago

corneeme commented 9 months ago

I was thinking through some ideas for tech when one popped out to me, Ziplines. M would place a zipline point where he is at for a 10% energy drain, then shoot another point to the destination, like the mouse pointer, on the zipline you could add damage or defense or something like that for energy drain, and until you place another zipline the other one will stay there and still be usable but will disappear when you run out of energy.

kgurchiek commented 9 months ago

That would work great as a tech for Grappling Hook

corneeme commented 9 months ago

yeah, but I'm not sure what buff you should get on the zipline

kgurchiek commented 9 months ago

I think it would make sense to "zap" enemies when they cross it and deal some damage, maybe also slow them down while they're going over it

corneeme commented 9 months ago

yeah. that would make sense, kinda like cosmic tunneling from wormhole

kgurchiek commented 9 months ago

Yeah that's what I was thinking, and riding the zipline could also fulfill people's desire for a portal gun tech for wormhole

corneeme commented 9 months ago

huh never thought about that before

136166 commented 9 months ago

Maybe that 'Gun' can be like those 'bluebull' mobs that charge at you? maybe you jump into a deployable Railgun? leave it there and use it again???

corneeme commented 9 months ago

yeah, thats kinda what I thought where it stays there until you deploy another or run out of energy

kgurchiek commented 9 months ago

Yeah I was imagining it would stay there and you could use it multiple times

corneeme commented 9 months ago

do you think it is worth suggesting?

Whyisthisnotavalable commented 9 months ago

I think this could be a thing map makers use, but not as a tech

kgurchiek commented 9 months ago

But it makes sense to go with grappling hook, and could still be a map feature as well

corneeme commented 9 months ago

maybe as a map feature, it wouldn't let you go through mobs and would know you off if you hit them but as a field tech it would zap mobs as you go through them

landgreen commented 9 months ago

It's a cool idea but the complexity of the key presses doesn't work with the simplicity of n-gon inputs.

corneeme commented 9 months ago

oh 😭