landgreen / n-gon

2-d physics rogue-lite platformer shooter
GNU General Public License v3.0
134 stars 193 forks source link

Skin Tech Updates #169

Closed des-boot closed 4 months ago

des-boot commented 5 months ago

Buffs to many skin techs, as well as making accretion a skin tech

The current state of skin techs in N-gon is very unbalanced, with Tungsten Carbide, Nitinol, and aperture standing out as clear best choices. The tech Accretion is also very powerful, and almost completely invalidates the need to Quenching. This update could help fix both of those issues through updates to skin techs

Tungsten Carbide: Tungsten Carbide is fine as it is, as its already fun and powerful to play

Nitinol: Nitinol is in a similar situation to Tungsten Carbide, being an all around good tech with no major drawbacks

Higgs mechanism: Higgs mechanism is annoying to play with, so it could do with more benefits. Learning further into the immobile tank playstyle could help, such as an increase to ammo; perhaps every 3rd shot uses no ammo

Hilbert Space Hilbert space is also annoying to use, as builds with it feel too luck based. One benefit could be a permanent buff every time you shift, such as +7% dupe, limited to +14% per level

Aperture: Aperture is mostly fine as it is, along with diaphragm. However, it is slightly weak compared to the other skin techs. It could allow you to see the path your bullet trajectory as well as spread

Mass-Energy Equivalence: Mass-Energy Equivalence also has some flaws related to the other builds, mainly its low defense. This could be mitigated by giving a temporary Energy Regen and Defense buff on blocking

CPT Symmetry: CPT Symmetry is a difficult tech to play with. Only being able to rewind when at over 100 energy is difficult, and not knowing exactly where to jump to is difficult. This could be helped by 1: Having an outline of where you will jump too, and 2: Rewinding for less time but for less energy, and while your energy is below 100

Accretion: Accretion is a very powerful tech with almost no downsides, and also makes quenching nearly useless, so it could be nerfed by making it a skin tech

landgreen commented 5 months ago

I want skins that give simple passive buffs, and some that require you to build around. Sounds like you like skins that give passive benefits that don't require you adapt, like mass-energy, CPT, and Higgs. I take those 3 all the time though and they are very strong with a good plan.

Hilbert Space is just for fun, I don't think people take it seriously.

kgurchiek commented 5 months ago

I'm glad Hilbert Space isn't a junk, it's fun to occasionally get it as a normal option and go "you know what, why not?", and have a goofy run for the rest of the game

Masbirb commented 5 months ago

Yeah but I think the suggested change is good as it encourages you to embrace the chaos even harder with bonus dupe but I still do take it when it's the only half decent tech in my first tech power up

landgreen commented 5 months ago

The problem with a self inflicted buff after a collision is that it would make players want to hit a bunch of small mobs to get strong, but I'm not sure that's actually a fun way to play. It feels like a grind and it doesn't feel clever.

by the way Hilbert space + harpoon is fun since you don't get ammo issues

Masbirb commented 5 months ago

The thing about the first point is getting hit ruins your current build but still I get what you are saying and harpoon and Hilbert sounds fun

des-boot commented 5 months ago

The problem with a self inflicted buff after a collision is that it would make players want to hit a bunch of small mobs to get strong, but I'm not sure that's actually a fun way to play. It feels like a grind and it doesn't feel clever.

by the way Hilbert spaaaaaace + harpoon is fun since you don't get ammo issues

that's one of the reasons we decided on the limit, it would feel like there's some constant help from the tech, without just making it a game of "run into as many enemies as you can"

landgreen commented 5 months ago

ha I didn't see the limit part

Masbirb commented 5 months ago

Oh I assumed you saw the limit

Masbirb commented 5 months ago

We decided on two hits for maximum bonus because we want to encourage people to play less cautious with Hilbert but not have them just exploit the free duplication and we felt that one was too little benefit and we didn't want someone to reach max dupe after only 5 stages so we decided two was the best number

Masbirb commented 5 months ago

Also any thoughts on the aperture buff idea of giving you bullet trajectory and spread predictions

landgreen commented 5 months ago

well bullets that arc already have trajectories when you crouch.

Masbirb commented 5 months ago

For only some guns like mines and grenades

landgreen commented 5 months ago

skin changes in last patch

skin tech: depolarization - gain +300 damage or -50% damage if a mobs has died in last 5 seconds CPT triggers if you have above 90->85 energy CPT skin graphically indicates when CPT is active mass-energy defense reduction is 66->50%

NV4s commented 5 months ago

Nice for CPT