landgreen / n-gon

2-d physics rogue-lite platformer shooter
GNU General Public License v3.0
151 stars 221 forks source link

Arena map update #264

Closed Whyisthisnotavalable closed 3 months ago

Whyisthisnotavalable commented 4 months ago
arena() {
    let genisis, genisisJumpSensor, genisisBody, genisisHead, genisisHeadSensor, genisisBodySensor;
    let control = {left: false, right: false, up: false, down: false};
    const g = {
        spawn() {
            //load genisis in matter.js physic engine
            // let vector = Vertices.fromPath("0 40  50 40   50 115   0 115   30 130   20 130"); //genisis as a series of vertices
            let vertices = Vertices.fromPath("0,40, 50,40, 50,115, 30,130, 20,130, 0,115, 0,40"); //genisis as a series of vertices
            genisisBody = Bodies.fromVertices(0, 0, vertices);
            genisisJumpSensor = Bodies.rectangle(0, 46, 36, 6, {
                //this sensor check if the genisis is on the ground to enable jumping
                sleepThreshold: 99999999999,
                isSensor: true
            vertices = Vertices.fromPath("16 -82  2 -66  2 -37  43 -37  43 -66  30 -82");
            genisisHead = Bodies.fromVertices(0, -55, vertices); //this part of the genisis lowers on crouch
            genisisHeadSensor = Bodies.rectangle(0, -57, 48, 45, {
                //senses if the genisis's head is empty and can return after crouching
                sleepThreshold: 99999999999,
                isSensor: true
            genisisBodySensor = Bodies.rectangle(0, 0, 70, 45, {
                sleepThreshold: 99999999999,
                isSensor: true
            genisis = Body.create({
                //combine genisisJumpSensor and genisisBody
                parts: [genisisBody, genisisHead, genisisJumpSensor, genisisHeadSensor, genisisBodySensor],
                inertia: Infinity, //prevents genisis rotation
                friction: 0.002,
                frictionAir: 0.001,
                //frictionStatic: 0.5,
                restitution: 0,
                sleepThreshold: Infinity,
                collisionFilter: {
                    group: 0,
                    category: cat.mob,
                    mask: cat.body | | cat.mob | cat.mobBullet | cat.mobShield | cat.player | cat.bullet
                // death() {
                //     g.death();
                // }
            Matter.Body.setMass(genisis, g.mass);
            Composite.add(, [genisis]);
        health: 1000,
        maxHealth: 1000, //set in simulation.reset()
        cycle: 600, //starts at 600 cycles instead of 0 to prevent bugs with g.history
        lastKillCycle: 0,
        lastHarmCycle: 0,
        width: 50,
        radius: 30,
        eyeFillColor: null,
        fillColor: null, //set by setFillColors
        fillColorDark: null, //set by setFillColors
        bodyGradient: null, //set by setFillColors
        color: {
            hue: 0,
            sat: 0,
            light: 50,
        setFillColors() {
            g.fillColor = `hsl(${g.color.hue},${g.color.sat}%,${g.color.light}%)`
            g.fillColorDark = `hsl(${g.color.hue},${g.color.sat}%,${g.color.light - 25}%)`
            let grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(-30, 0, 30, 0);
            grd.addColorStop(0, g.fillColorDark);
            grd.addColorStop(1, g.fillColor);
            g.bodyGradient = grd
        setFillColorsAlpha(alpha = 0.5) {
            g.fillColor = `hsla(${g.color.hue},${g.color.sat}%,${g.color.light}%,${alpha})`
            g.fillColorDark = `hsla(${g.color.hue},${g.color.sat}%,${g.color.light - 25}%,${alpha})`
            let grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(-30, 0, 30, 0);
            grd.addColorStop(0, g.fillColorDark);
            grd.addColorStop(1, g.fillColor);
            g.bodyGradient = grd
        height: 42,
        yOffWhen: {
            crouch: 22,
            stand: 49,
            jump: 70
        defaultMass: 5,
        mass: 5,
        FxNotHolding: 0.015,
        Fx: 0.016, //run Force on ground //
        jumpForce: 0.64,
        setMovement() {
            // g.Fx = 0.08 / mass * tech.squirrelFx 
            // g.FxAir = 0.4 / mass / mass 
            g.Fx = tech.baseFx * g.fieldFx * tech.squirrelFx * (tech.isFastTime ? 1.5 : 1) / genisis.mass //base genisis mass is 5
            g.jumpForce = tech.baseJumpForce * g.fieldJump * tech.squirrelJump * (tech.isFastTime ? 1.13 : 1) / genisis.mass / genisis.mass //base genisis mass is 5
        FxAir: 0.032, // 0.4/5/5  run Force in Air
        yOff: 70,
        yOffGoal: 70,
        onGround: false, //checks if on ground or in air
        lastOnGroundCycle: 0, //use to calculate coyote time
        standingOn: undefined,
        numTouching: 0,
        crouch: false,
        // isHeadClear: true,
        spawnPos: {
            x: 0,
            y: 0
        spawnVel: {
            x: 0,
            y: 0
        pos: {
            x: 0,
            y: 0
        yPosDifference: 24.2859, //genisis.position.y - g.pos.y  //24.285923217549026
        // yPosDifferenceCrouched: -2.7140767824453604,
        Sy: 0, //adds a smoothing effect to vertical only
        Vx: 0,
        Vy: 0,
        friction: {
            ground: 0.01,
            air: 0.0025
        airSpeedLimit: 125, // 125/mass/mass = 5
        angle: 0,
        walk_cycle: 0,
        stepSize: 0,
        flipLegs: -1,
        hip: {
            x: 12,
            y: 24
        knee: {
            x: 0,
            y: 0,
            x2: 0,
            y2: 0
        foot: {
            x: 0,
            y: 0
        legLength1: 55,
        legLength2: 45,
        transX: 0,
        transY: 0,
        history: new Array(600), //[], //tracks the last second of genisis position
        rewindCount: 0, //used with CPT
        resetHistory() {
            const set = {
                position: {
                    x: genisis.position.x,
                    y: genisis.position.y,
                velocity: {
                    x: genisis.velocity.x,
                    y: genisis.velocity.y
                yOff: g.yOff,
                angle: g.angle,
                activeGun: b.activeGun
            for (let i = 0; i < 600; i++) { //reset history
                g.history[i] = set
        move() {
            g.pos.x = genisis.position.x;
            g.pos.y = genisisBody.position.y - g.yOff;
            g.Vx = genisis.velocity.x;
            g.Vy = genisis.velocity.y;

            //tracks the last 10s of genisis information
            g.history.splice(g.cycle % 600, 1, {
                position: {
                    x: genisis.position.x,
                    y: genisis.position.y,
                velocity: {
                    x: genisis.velocity.x,
                    y: genisis.velocity.y
                yOff: g.yOff,
                angle: g.angle,
                activeGun: b.activeGun
            // const back = 59  // 59 looks at 1 second ago //29 looks at 1/2 a second ago
            // historyIndex = (g.cycle - back) % 600
        targetX: 0,
        targetY: 0,
        transSmoothX: 0,
        transSmoothY: 0,
        lastGroundedPositionY: 0,
        // mouseZoom: 0,
        lookSmoothing: 0.07, //1 is instant jerky,  0.001 is slow smooth zoom, 0.07 is standard
        look() {}, //set to lookDefault()
        lookDefault() {
            g.angle = Math.atan2(
                g.targetY - g.pos.y,
                g.targetX - g.pos.x
            // //smoothed mouse look translations
            const scale = 0.8;
            g.transSmoothX = canvas.width2 - g.pos.x - (simulation.mouse.x - canvas.width2) * scale;
            g.transSmoothY = canvas.height2 - g.pos.y - (simulation.mouse.y - canvas.height2) * scale;

            g.transX += (g.transSmoothX - g.transX) * g.lookSmoothing;
            g.transY += (g.transSmoothY - g.transY) * g.lookSmoothing;
        doCrouch() {
            if (!g.crouch) {
                g.crouch = true;
                g.yOffGoal = g.yOffWhen.crouch;
                if ((genisisHead.position.y - genisis.position.y) < 0) {
                    Matter.Body.setPosition(genisisHead, {
                        x: genisis.position.x,
                        y: genisis.position.y + 9.1740767
        undoCrouch() {
            if (g.crouch) {
                g.crouch = false;
                g.yOffGoal = g.yOffWhen.stand;
                if ((genisisHead.position.y - genisis.position.y) > 0) {
                    Matter.Body.setPosition(genisisHead, {
                        x: genisis.position.x,
                        y: genisis.position.y - 30.28592321
        hardLandCD: 0,
        checkHeadClear() {
            if (Matter.Query.collides(headSensor, map).length > 0) {
                return false
            } else {
                return true
        buttonCD_jump: 0, //cool down for genisis buttons
        jump() {
            // if (!g.onGround) g.lastOnGroundCycle = 0 //g.cycle - tech.coyoteTime
            g.buttonCD_jump = g.cycle + 20; //can't jump again until 20 cycles pass
            //apply a fraction of the jump force to the body the genisis is jumping off of
            Matter.Body.applyForce(g.standingOn, g.pos, {
                x: 0,
                y: g.jumpForce * 0.12 * Math.min(g.standingOn.mass, 5)

            genisis.force.y = -g.jumpForce; //genisis jump force
            Matter.Body.setVelocity(genisis, { //zero genisis y-velocity for consistent jumps
                x: genisis.velocity.x,
                y: Math.max(-10, Math.min(g.standingOn.velocity.y, 10)) //cap velocity contribution from blocks you are standing on to 10 in the vertical
        groundControl() {
            //check for crouch or jump
            if (g.crouch) {
                if (!(control.down) && g.checkHeadClear() && g.hardLandCD < g.cycle) g.undoCrouch();
            } else if (control.down || g.hardLandCD > g.cycle) {
                g.doCrouch(); //on ground && not crouched and pressing s or down
            } else if (control.up && g.buttonCD_jump + 20 < g.cycle && g.yOffWhen.stand > 23) {

            if (control.left) {
                if (genisis.velocity.x > -2) {
                    genisis.force.x -= g.Fx * 1.5
                } else {
                    genisis.force.x -= g.Fx
                // }
            } else if (control.right) {
                if (genisis.velocity.x < 2) {
                    genisis.force.x += g.Fx * 1.5
                } else {
                    genisis.force.x += g.Fx
            } else {
                const stoppingFriction = 0.92; //come to a stop if no move key is pressed
                Matter.Body.setVelocity(genisis, {
                    x: genisis.velocity.x * stoppingFriction,
                    y: genisis.velocity.y * stoppingFriction
            //come to a stop if fast 
            if (genisis.speed > 4) {
                const stoppingFriction = (g.crouch) ? 0.65 : 0.89; // this controls speed when crouched
                Matter.Body.setVelocity(genisis, {
                    x: genisis.velocity.x * stoppingFriction,
                    y: genisis.velocity.y * stoppingFriction
        airControl() {
            //check for coyote time jump
            // if (control.up && g.buttonCD_jump + 20 + tech.coyoteTime < g.cycle && g.yOffWhen.stand > 23 && g.lastOnGroundCycle + tech.coyoteTime > g.cycle) g.jump()
            if (control.up && g.buttonCD_jump + 20 < g.cycle && g.yOffWhen.stand > 23 && g.lastOnGroundCycle + 5 > g.cycle) g.jump()

            //check for short jumps   //moving up   //recently pressed jump  //but not pressing jump key now
            if (g.buttonCD_jump + 60 > g.cycle && !(control.up) && g.Vy < 0) {
                Matter.Body.setVelocity(genisis, {
                    //reduce genisis y-velocity every cycle
                    x: genisis.velocity.x,
                    y: genisis.velocity.y * 0.94

            if (control.left) {
                if (genisis.velocity.x > -g.airSpeedLimit / genisis.mass / genisis.mass) genisis.force.x -= g.FxAir; // move genisis   left / a
            } else if (control.right) {
                if (genisis.velocity.x < g.airSpeedLimit / genisis.mass / genisis.mass) genisis.force.x += g.FxAir; //move genisis  right / d
        alive: true,
        dmgScale: 1, //scales all damage, but not raw .dmg //set in levels.setDifficulty
        defaultFPSCycle: 0, //tracks when to return to normal fps
        immuneCycle: 0, //used in engine
        collisionImmuneCycles: 30,
        buttonCD: 0, //cool down for genisis buttons
        drawLeg(stroke) {
            // if (simulation.mouseInGame.x > g.pos.x) {
            if (g.angle > -Math.PI / 2 && g.angle < Math.PI / 2) {
                g.flipLegs = 1;
            } else {
                g.flipLegs = -1;
            ctx.scale(g.flipLegs, 1); //leg lines
            ctx.moveTo(g.hip.x, g.hip.y);
            ctx.lineTo(g.knee.x, g.knee.y);
            ctx.lineTo(g.foot.x, g.foot.y);
            ctx.strokeStyle = stroke;
            ctx.lineWidth = 7;

            //toe lines
            ctx.moveTo(g.foot.x, g.foot.y);
            ctx.lineTo(g.foot.x - 15, g.foot.y + 5);
            ctx.moveTo(g.foot.x, g.foot.y);
            ctx.lineTo(g.foot.x + 15, g.foot.y + 5);
            ctx.lineWidth = 4;

            //hip joint
            ctx.arc(g.hip.x, g.hip.y, 11, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
            //knee joint
            ctx.moveTo(g.knee.x + 7, g.knee.y);
            ctx.arc(g.knee.x, g.knee.y, 7, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
            //foot joint
            ctx.moveTo(g.foot.x + 6, g.foot.y);
            ctx.arc(g.foot.x, g.foot.y, 6, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
            ctx.fillStyle = g.fillColor;
            ctx.lineWidth = 2;
        calcLeg(cycle_offset, offset) {
            g.hip.x = 12 + offset;
            g.hip.y = 24 + offset;
            //stepSize goes to zero if Vx is zero or not on ground (make m transition cleaner)
            g.stepSize = 0.8 * g.stepSize + 0.2 * (7 * Math.sqrt(Math.min(9, Math.abs(g.Vx))) * g.onGround);
            //changes to stepsize are smoothed by adding only a percent of the new value each cycle
            const stepAngle = 0.034 * g.walk_cycle + cycle_offset;
            g.foot.x = 2.2 * g.stepSize * Math.cos(stepAngle) + offset;
            g.foot.y = offset + 1.2 * g.stepSize * Math.sin(stepAngle) + g.yOff + g.height;
            const Ymax = g.yOff + g.height;
            if (g.foot.y > Ymax) g.foot.y = Ymax;

            //calculate knee position as intersection of circle from hip and foot
            const d = Math.sqrt((g.hip.x - g.foot.x) * (g.hip.x - g.foot.x) + (g.hip.y - g.foot.y) * (g.hip.y - g.foot.y));
            const l = (g.legLength1 * g.legLength1 - g.legLength2 * g.legLength2 + d * d) / (2 * d);
            const h = Math.sqrt(g.legLength1 * g.legLength1 - l * l);
            g.knee.x = (l / d) * (g.foot.x - g.hip.x) - (h / d) * (g.foot.y - g.hip.y) + g.hip.x + offset;
            g.knee.y = (l / d) * (g.foot.y - g.hip.y) + (h / d) * (g.foot.x - g.hip.x) + g.hip.y;
        draw() {},
        drawDefault() {
            ctx.fillStyle = g.fillColor;
            g.walk_cycle += g.flipLegs * g.Vx;
            ctx.globalAlpha = (g.immuneCycle < g.cycle) ? 1 : 0.5 //|| (g.cycle % 40 > 20)
            ctx.translate(g.pos.x, g.pos.y);
            g.calcLeg(Math.PI, -3);
            g.calcLeg(0, 0);
            ctx.arc(0, 0, 30, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
            ctx.fillStyle = g.bodyGradient
            ctx.arc(15, 0, 4, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
            ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF";
            ctx.lineWidth = 2;
            g.yOff = g.yOff * 0.85 + g.yOffGoal * 0.15; //smoothly move leg height towards height goal
        drawDamage() {
            ctx.fillStyle = "red";
            g.walk_cycle += g.flipLegs * g.Vx;
            ctx.globalAlpha = 0.7;
            ctx.translate(g.pos.x, g.pos.y);
            g.calcLeg(Math.PI, -3);
            g.calcLeg(0, 0);
            ctx.arc(0, 0, 30, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
            ctx.fillStyle = g.bodyGradient
            ctx.arc(15, 0, 4, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
            ctx.strokeStyle = "#FF0000";
            ctx.lineWidth = 2;
            g.yOff = g.yOff * 0.85 + g.yOffGoal * 0.15; //smoothly move leg height towards height goal
        damage(dmg) {
   -= dmg;
        rebirth() {
   = g.maxHealth;
            genisis.collisionFilter.mask = cat.body | | cat.mob | cat.mobBullet | cat.mobShield | cat.player | cat.bullet
        lastHealth: 1000,
        drawHealth() {
            let interpolated = this.lastHealth + ( - this.lastHealth) * 0.1;

            ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0.2, 1, 0, 0); //slanted
            ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(250, 100, 100, 0.3)";
            ctx.fillRect(canvas.width2 / 2, canvas.height2 / 10, canvas.width2, 30);
            const grad = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, canvas.width2, 0);
            grad.addColorStop(0, "lightblue");
            grad.addColorStop(1, "crimson");

            ctx.fillStyle = grad;
            ctx.fillRect(canvas.width2 / 2, canvas.height2 / 10, canvas.width2 * interpolated / 1000, 30);

            this.lastHealth = interpolated;
        genisisOnGroundCheck(event) {
            //runs on collisions events
            function enter() {
                if (!g.onGround) {
                    g.onGround = true;
                    if (g.crouch) {
                        if (g.checkHeadClear()) {
                        } else {
                            g.yOffGoal = g.yOffWhen.crouch;
                    } else {
                        //sets a hard land where genisis stays in a crouch for a bit and can't jump
                        //crouch is forced in groundControl below
                        const momentum = genisis.velocity.y * genisis.mass //genisis mass is 5 so this triggers at 26 down velocity, unless the genisis is holding something
                        if (momentum > 130) {
                            g.yOff = g.yOffWhen.jump;
                            g.hardLandCD = g.cycle + Math.min(momentum / 6.5 - 6, 40)
                            //falling damage
                            if (tech.isFallingDamage && g.immuneCycle < g.cycle && momentum > 150) {
                                g.damage(Math.min(Math.sqrt(momentum - 133) * 0.01, 0.25));
                                if (g.immuneCycle < g.cycle + g.collisionImmuneCycles) g.immuneCycle = g.cycle + g.collisionImmuneCycles; //genisis is immune to damage for 30 cycles
                        } else {
                            g.yOffGoal = g.yOffWhen.stand;
            const pairs = event.pairs;
            for (let i = 0, j = pairs.length; i != j; ++i) {
                let pair = pairs[i];
                if (pair.bodyA === genisisJumpSensor) {
                    g.standingOn = pair.bodyB; //keeping track to correctly provide recoil on jump
                    if (g.standingOn.alive !== true) enter();
                } else if (pair.bodyB === genisisJumpSensor) {
                    g.standingOn = pair.bodyA; //keeping track to correctly provide recoil on jump
                    if (g.standingOn.alive !== true) enter();
            g.numTouching = 0;
        genisisOffGroundCheck(event) {
            //runs on collisions events
            const pairs = event.pairs;
            for (let i = 0, j = pairs.length; i != j; ++i) {
                if (pairs[i].bodyA === genisisJumpSensor || pairs[i].bodyB === genisisJumpSensor) {
                    if (g.onGround && g.numTouching === 0) {
                        g.onGround = false;
                        g.lastOnGroundCycle = g.cycle;
                        g.hardLandCD = 0 // disable hard landing
                        if (g.checkHeadClear()) {
                            if (g.crouch) {
                            g.yOffGoal = g.yOffWhen.jump;
    function GenisisCollisionChecks(event) {
        const pairs = event.pairs;
        for (let i = 0, j = pairs.length; i != j; i++) {
            for (let k = 0; k < bullet.length; k++) {
                if (pairs[i].bodyA === bullet[k]) {
                    } else if (pairs[i].bodyB === bullet[k]) {

                    function collideBullet(obj) {
                        if (
                            g.immuneCycle < g.cycle &&
                            (obj === genisisBody || obj === genisisHead)
                        ) {
                                let dmg = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(0.000025 * Math.sqrt((bullet[k].mass + Math.sqrt(Vector.magnitude(bullet[k].velocity)) * 0.0000125))));
            for (let k = 0; k < mob.length; k++) {
                if (mob[k].alive) {
                    if (pairs[i].bodyA === mob[k]) {
                    } else if (pairs[i].bodyB === mob[k]) {

                    function collideMob(obj) {
                        //genisis + mob collision
                        if (
                            g.immuneCycle < g.cycle &&
                            (obj === genisisBody || obj === genisisHead) &&
                            !mob[k].isSlowed && !mob[k].isStunned
                        ) {
                            let dmg = Math.max(0.025 * Math.sqrt(mob[k].mass), 0.05);
                            // if (g.isCloak) dmg *= 0.5
                            if (tech.isRewindAvoidDeath && > 0.85 * Math.min(1, g.maxEnergy) && dmg > 0.01) { //CPT reversal runs in g.damage, but it stops the rest of the collision code here too

                            if (tech.isCollisionRealitySwitch && g.alive) {
                                simulation.makeTextLog(`simulation.amplitude <span class='color-symbol'>=</span> ${Math.random()}`);
                            if (tech.isPiezo) += 20.48;
                            if (tech.isCouplingNoHit && g.coupling > 0) {

                                const unit = Vector.rotate({ x: 1, y: 0 }, 6.28 * Math.random())
                                let where = Vector.add(g.pos, Vector.mult(unit, 17))
                                simulation.drawList.push({ //add dmg to draw queue
                                    x: where.x,
                                    y: where.y,
                                    radius: 22,
                                    color: 'rgba(0, 171, 238, 0.33)',
                                    time: 8
                                where = Vector.add(g.pos, Vector.mult(unit, 60))
                                simulation.drawList.push({ //add dmg to draw queue
                                    x: where.x,
                                    y: where.y,
                                    radius: 18,
                                    color: 'rgba(0, 171, 238, 0.5)',
                                    time: 16
                                where = Vector.add(g.pos, Vector.mult(unit, 100))
                                simulation.drawList.push({ //add dmg to draw queue
                                    x: where.x,
                                    y: where.y,
                                    radius: 14,
                                    color: 'rgba(0, 171, 238, 0.6)',
                                    time: 24
                                where = Vector.add(g.pos, Vector.mult(unit, 135))
                                simulation.drawList.push({ //add dmg to draw queue
                                    x: where.x,
                                    y: where.y,
                                    radius: 10,
                                    color: 'rgba(0, 171, 238, 0.7)',
                                    time: 32
                                // simulation.drawList.push({ //add dmg to draw queue
                                //     x: g.pos.x,
                                //     y: g.pos.y,
                                //     radius: 150,
                                //     color: 'rgba(0, 171, 238, 0.33)',
                                //     time: 6
                                // });
                                // simulation.drawList.push({ //add dmg to draw queue
                                //     x: g.pos.x,
                                //     y: g.pos.y,
                                //     radius: 75,
                                //     color: 'rgba(0, 171, 238, 0.5)',
                                //     time: 16
                                // });
                                // simulation.drawList.push({ //add dmg to draw queue
                                //     x: g.pos.x,
                                //     y: g.pos.y,
                                //     radius: 25,
                                //     color: 'rgba(0, 171, 238, 0.75)',
                                //     time: 25
                                // });
                            if (mob[k].onHit) mob[k].onHit();
                            if (g.immuneCycle < g.cycle + g.collisionImmuneCycles) g.immuneCycle = g.cycle + g.collisionImmuneCycles; //genisis is immune to damage for 30 cycles
                            //extra kick between genisis and mob              //this section would be better with forces but they don't work...
                            let angle = Math.atan2(genisis.position.y - mob[k].position.y, genisis.position.x - mob[k].position.x);
                            Matter.Body.setVelocity(genisis, {
                                x: genisis.velocity.x + 8 * Math.cos(angle),
                                y: genisis.velocity.y + 8 * Math.sin(angle)
                            Matter.Body.setVelocity(mob[k], {
                                x: mob[k].velocity.x - 8 * Math.cos(angle),
                                y: mob[k].velocity.y - 8 * Math.sin(angle)

                            if (tech.isAnnihilation && !mob[k].shield && !mob[k].isShielded && !mob[k].isBoss && mob[k].isDropPowerUp && > 0.1 && mob[k].damageReduction > 0) {
                       -= 0.1 //* Math.max(g.maxEnergy, //0.33 *
                                if (g.immuneCycle === g.cycle + g.collisionImmuneCycles) g.immuneCycle = 0; //genisis doesn't go immune to collision damage
                                simulation.drawList.push({ //add dmg to draw queue
                                    x: pairs[i].activeContacts[0].vertex.x,
                                    y: pairs[i].activeContacts[0].vertex.y,
                                    radius: Math.sqrt(dmg) * 500,
                                    color: "rgba(255,0,255,0.2)",
                                    time: simulation.drawTime
                            } else {
                                simulation.drawList.push({ //add dmg to draw queue
                                    x: pairs[i].activeContacts[0].vertex.x,
                                    y: pairs[i].activeContacts[0].vertex.y,
                                    radius: Math.sqrt(dmg) * 200,
                                    color: simulation.mobDmgColor,
                                    time: simulation.drawTime
                            // return;
                            // }
    Matter.Body.setPosition(genisis, {
        x: 7875,
        y: -2530
Whyisthisnotavalable commented 4 months ago
    let isUsingSwordMod = false;
    for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
        if ([i].name === 'size-weight illusion') { //to detect if the player is using the sword mod so that it won't mess up their mod. The sword mod adds this tech so if it is detected then the sword won't be removed from the gun array //Landgreen, don't add a tech with the same name
            isUsingSwordMod = true;
    if (!isUsingSwordMod) {
        const e = {
            name: "sword",
            descriptionFunction() { return `swing a <b>sword</b> that <b style="color: indigo;">lifesteals</b> <strong class='color-h'>health</strong><br>drains <strong class='color-h'>health</strong> instead of ammunition<br>doesn't use <b>ammo</b>`},
            ammo: Infinity,
            ammoPack: Infinity,
            defaultAmmoPack: Infinity,
            have: false,
            cycle: 0,
            sword: undefined,
            swordArray: [],
            bladeSegments: undefined,
            bladeTrails: [],
            angle: 0,
            constraint: undefined,
            charge: 0,
            angle2: 0,
            fire() { },
            do() {
                if(this.sword && this.cycle < 1) {
                    this.angle2 = Math.atan2(this.sword.position.y - m.pos.y, this.sword.position.x - m.pos.x);
                if(this.sword) {
            normalFire() {
                if(this.constraint) {
                    this.constraint.pointA = player.position;
                if(tech.isStabSword && !m.crouch && this.cycle > 0 && this.stabStatus) {
                    if(this.sword) {
                        this.stabStatus = false;
                        if(tech.isEnergyHealth) {
                   = 0.01;
                            m.immuneCycle = m.cycle + 30;
                        this.cycle = 0;
                        Matter.Body.setAngularVelocity(this.sword, 0);
                        Composite.remove(, this.sword);
               => {
                            Composite.remove(, part);
                            const index = bullet.indexOf(part);
                            if (index !== -1) {
                                bullet.splice(index, 1);
                        this.sword = undefined;
                        if(this.constraint) {
                            Composite.remove(, this.constraint);
                            this.constraint = undefined;
                        this.bladeTrails = [];
                        m.fireCDcycle = 0;

                if( && (tech.isEnergyHealth ? >= 0.11 : >= 0.11)) {
                    if(tech.isEnergyHealth) {
               -= 0.004;
                    } else {
               -= 0.001;
                if ( && (tech.isEnergyHealth ? >= 0.11 : >= 0.11)) {
                    if (!this.sword && b.guns[b.activeGun].name === 'sword') {
                        ({ sword: this.sword, bladeSegments: this.bladeSegments} = this.createAndSwingSword());
                        this.angle = m.angle;
                if(this.sword && ! {
                    this.cycle = 0;
                    Matter.Body.setAngularVelocity(this.sword, 0);
                    player.force.x *= 0.01;
                    player.force.y *= 0.01;
                    Composite.remove(, this.sword);
           => {
                        Composite.remove(, part);
                        const index = bullet.indexOf(part);
                        if (index !== -1) {
                            bullet.splice(index, 1);
                    this.sword = undefined;
                    if(this.constraint) {
                        Composite.remove(, this.constraint);
                        this.constraint = undefined;
                    this.bladeTrails = [];
                    m.fireCDcycle = m.cycle + 10;
                } else {
                    if (this.sword && (tech.isEnergyHealth ? >= 0.11 : >= 0.11)) {
                        let handle;
                        for(let i = 0; i < bullet.length; i++) {
                            if(bullet[i].customName == "handle") {
                                    handle = bullet[i];
                        if(tech.infinityEdge) {
                            const newSize = Math.sqrt(0.5 * + 1;
                            Matter.Body.scale(this.sword, newSize * (1 / (this.sword.scale == undefined ? 1 : this.sword.scale)), newSize * (1 / (this.sword.scale == undefined ? 1 : this.sword.scale)), handle.position);
                            this.sword.scale = newSize;
                        if (!(this.angle > -Math.PI / 2 && this.angle < Math.PI / 2)) {
                            Matter.Body.setAngularVelocity(this.sword, -Math.PI * 0.1);
                        } else {
                            Matter.Body.setAngularVelocity(this.sword, Math.PI * 0.1);
                        if(tech.sizeIllusion) {
                            player.force.x += Math.cos(m.angle) * player.mass / 500;
                            player.force.y += Math.sin(m.angle) * player.mass / 500;
                        if(!this.constraint && (m.angle > -Math.PI / 2 && m.angle < Math.PI / 2)) {
                            this.constraint = Constraint.create({
                                pointA: player.position,
                                bodyB: this.sword,
                                pointB: {x: -9, y: ((handle.position.y - this.sword.position.y))},
                                stiffness: (tech.infinityEdge ? 0.05 : 0.1),
                                damping: 0.001815,
                                length: 0,

                            Composite.add(, this.constraint);
                        } else if(!this.constraint) {
                            this.constraint = Constraint.create({
                                pointA: player.position,
                                bodyB: this.sword,
                                pointB: {x: 9, y: ((handle.position.y - this.sword.position.y))},
                                stiffness: (tech.infinityEdge ? 0.05 : 0.1),
                                damping: 0.001815,
                                length: 0,
                            Composite.add(, this.constraint);
                    } else if(this.sword) {
                        if(tech.isEnergyHealth) {
                   = 0.01;
                            m.immuneCycle = m.cycle + 30;
                        this.cycle = 0;
                        Matter.Body.setAngularVelocity(this.sword, 0);
                        player.force.x *= 0.01;
                        player.force.y *= 0.01;
                        Composite.remove(, this.sword);
               => {
                            Composite.remove(, part);
                            const index = bullet.indexOf(part);
                            if (index !== -1) {
                                bullet.splice(index, 1);
                        this.sword = undefined;
                        if(this.constraint) {
                            Composite.remove(, this.constraint);
                            this.constraint = undefined;
                        this.bladeTrails = [];
                        m.fireCDcycle = 0;
            createAndSwingSword(x = player.position.x, y = player.position.y, angle = m.angle) {
                const handleWidth = 20;
                const handleHeight = 150;
                const handle = Bodies.rectangle(x, y, handleWidth, handleHeight, spawn.propsIsNotHoldable);
                bullet[bullet.length] = handle;
                handle.customName = "handle";
                bullet[bullet.length - 1].do = () => {};
                const pommelWidth = 30;
                const pommelHeight = 40;
                const pommelVertices = [
                    { x: x, y: y + handleHeight / 2 + pommelHeight / 2 },
                    { x: x + pommelWidth / 2, y: y + handleHeight / 2 },
                    { x: x, y: y + handleHeight / 2 - pommelHeight / 2 },
                    { x: x - pommelWidth / 2, y: y + handleHeight / 2 },
                const pommel = Bodies.fromVertices(x, y + handleHeight / 2, pommelVertices, spawn.propsIsNotHoldable);
                bullet[bullet.length] = pommel;
                bullet[bullet.length - 1].do = () => {};
                if(tech.soundSword) {
                    bullet[bullet.length - 1].draw = () => {};
                // Blade setup
                const bladeWidth = 100 * (tech.soundSword ? 3 : 1);
                const bladeHeight = 20 * (tech.soundSword ? 3 : 1);
                const numBlades = 15;
                const extensionFactor = 5;
                const bladeSegments = [];

                if ((angle > -Math.PI / 2 && angle < Math.PI / 2)) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < numBlades; i++) {
                        const extensionFactorFraction = (i / (numBlades - 1)) * extensionFactor;
                        const bladeX = x + i * (bladeWidth / 20);
                        const bladeY = y - handleHeight / 2 - i * (bladeHeight / 4.5) * extensionFactor;

                        const vertices = [
                            { x: bladeX, y: bladeY - bladeHeight / 2 }, 
                            { x: bladeX + bladeWidth / 2, y: bladeY + bladeHeight / 2 },
                            { x: bladeX - bladeWidth / 2, y: bladeY + bladeHeight / 2 },
                            { x: bladeX, y: bladeY - bladeHeight / 2 + 10 },

                        const blade = Bodies.fromVertices(bladeX, bladeY, vertices, spawn.propsIsNotHoldable);
                        bullet[bullet.length] = blade;
                        bullet[bullet.length - 1].do = () => {};
                        if(tech.soundSword) {
                            bullet[bullet.length - 1].draw = () => {};
                        Matter.Body.rotate(blade, -Math.sin(i * (Math.PI / 270) * 15));
                } else {
                    for (let i = 0; i < numBlades; i++) {
                        const extensionFactorFraction = (i / (numBlades - 1)) * extensionFactor;
                        const mirroredBladeX = x - i * (bladeWidth / 20);
                        const mirroredBladeY = y - handleHeight / 2 - i * (bladeHeight / 4.5) * extensionFactor;
                        const mirroredVertices = [
                            { x: mirroredBladeX, y: mirroredBladeY - bladeHeight / 2 },
                            { x: mirroredBladeX + bladeWidth / 2, y: mirroredBladeY + bladeHeight / 2 },
                            { x: mirroredBladeX - bladeWidth / 2, y: mirroredBladeY + bladeHeight / 2 },
                            { x: mirroredBladeX, y: mirroredBladeY - bladeHeight / 2 + 10 },
                        const mirroredBlade = Bodies.fromVertices(mirroredBladeX, mirroredBladeY, mirroredVertices, spawn.propsIsNotHoldable);
                        bullet[bullet.length] = mirroredBlade;
                        bullet[bullet.length - 1].do = () => {};
                        if(tech.soundSword) {
                            bullet[bullet.length - 1].draw = () => {};
                        Matter.Body.rotate(mirroredBlade, Math.sin(i * (Math.PI / 270) * 15));
                const sword = Body.create({
                    parts: [handle, ...bladeSegments],

                Composite.add(, sword);
                Matter.Body.setPosition(sword, { x, y });

                sword.collisionFilter.category = cat.bullet;
                sword.collisionFilter.mask = cat.mobBullet | cat.powerup | cat.mob;
                Body.scale(sword, -1, 1, { x, y });

                return { sword, bladeSegments };
            renderDefault() {
                if(this.sword) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < this.bladeSegments.length; i++) {
                        const blade = this.bladeSegments[i];
                        const trail = this.bladeTrails[i] || [];
                        const vertices = => ({ x: vertex.x, y: vertex.y }));
                        if (trail.length > 10) {
                        this.bladeTrails[i] = trail;

                    for (let i = 0; i < this.bladeTrails.length; i++) {
                        const trail = this.bladeTrails[i];

                        const alphaStep = 1 / trail.length;
                        let alpha = 0;

                        for (let j = 0; j < trail.length; j++) {
                            const vertices = trail[j];
                            ctx.moveTo(vertices[0].x, vertices[0].y);

                            for (let k = 1; k < vertices.length; k++) {
                                ctx.lineTo(vertices[k].x, vertices[k].y);

                            alpha += alphaStep;
                            if(tech.isEnergyHealth) {
                                const eyeColor = m.fieldMeterColor;    
                                const r = eyeColor[1];
                                const g = eyeColor[2];
                                const b = eyeColor[3];
                                const color = `#${r}${r}${g}${g}${b}${b}${Math.round(alpha * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0')}`;
                                ctx.fillStyle = color;
                            } else {
                                ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(220, 20, 60, ${alpha})`;
                    for(let i = 0; i < this.bladeSegments.length; i++) {
                        ctx.lineJoin = "miter";
                        ctx.miterLimit = 100;
                        ctx.strokeStyle = tech.isEnergyHealth ? m.fieldMeterColor : tech.isAmmoSword ? "#c0c0c0" : "crimson";
                        ctx.lineWidth = 5;
                        ctx.fillStyle = "black";
                        ctx.moveTo(this.bladeSegments[i].vertices[0].x, this.bladeSegments[i].vertices[0].y);
                        for(let j = 0; j < this.bladeSegments[i].vertices.length; j++) {
                            ctx.lineTo(this.bladeSegments[i].vertices[j].x, this.bladeSegments[i].vertices[j].y)
                        ctx.lineJoin = "round";
                        ctx.miterLimit = 10;
            collision() {
                if(this.sword) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < mob.length; i++) {
                        if (Matter.Query.collides(this.sword, [mob[i]]).length > 0) {
                            const dmg = m.dmgScale * Math.sqrt(this.sword.speed) * (tech.sizeIllusion ? 1.1 : 1) * (tech.isStabSword ? 1.5 : 1) * (tech.infinityEdge ? 1.1 : 1);
                            if(!tech.soundSword) {
                                if( < m.maxHealth) {
                                    if(tech.isEnergyHealth) {
                               += 0.04;
                                    } else {
                               += 0.01 * (dmg - mob[i].health);
                                } else {
                                    if(tech.isEnergyHealth) {
                               += 0.04;
                                    } else {
                               = m.maxHealth;
                            mob[i].damage(dmg, true);
                                x: mob[i].position.x,
                                y: mob[i].position.y,
                                radius: Math.abs(Math.log(dmg * this.sword.speed) * 40 * mob[i].damageReduction + 3),
                                color: (tech.soundSword ? "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)": simulation.mobDmgColor),
                                time: simulation.drawTime
                    if (Matter.Query.collides(this.sword, [genisis]).length > 0) {
                        m.damage(-0.0142) //balanced!
        const gunArray = b.guns.filter(
        (obj, index, self) =>
            index === self.findIndex((item) => ===
        b.guns = gunArray;
    } else {
        simulation.makeTextLog(`Thank you for using my sword mod<br>I'll save you the trouble of killing genisis<br><div style="font-family: monospace;">g.<span style="color: crimson;">damage</span>(Infinity)</div>`);
    simulation.makeTextLog(`<strong>arena</strong> by <span class='color-var'>Richard0820</span>`);
    let index = 0;
    let index2 = 0;
    let { sword: sword, bladeSegments: bladeSegments } = createSword();
    const door = level.door(-950, -3000, 400, 4000, 2000, 10);
    const door2 = level.door(550, -3000, 400, 4000, 2000, 10);
    level.setPosToSpawn(-7900, -2550); //normal spawn
    level.exit.x = 7875;
    level.exit.y = -2530;
    spawn.mapRect(level.enter.x, level.enter.y + 20, 100, 20); //bump for level entrance
    spawn.mapRect(level.exit.x, level.exit.y + 20, 100, 20); //bump for level exit
    level.defaultZoom = 2000
    simulation.zoomTransition(level.defaultZoom) = "#987654"; = "#765432" //custom map color
    color.block = "#876543";
    door.isClosing = true;
    door2.isClosing = true;
    for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        powerUps.spawn(-6075, -2000, "heal");
    let bladeTrails = [];
    let isOwned = false;
    class Particle {
        constructor() {
            this.x = player.position.x + Math.random() * 10000 - 5000;
            this.y = player.position.y + Math.random() * 10000 - 5000;
            this.vx = 0;
            this.vy = 0;
            this.accelX = 0;
            this.accelY = 0;
   = 2000;
            this.alpha = 1;
            this.size = 8;

        update() {
            this.vx += this.accelX;
            this.vy += this.accelY;
            this.x += this.vx;
            this.y += this.vy;

            if (this.x < player.position.x - 5000 || this.x > player.position.x + 5000 ||
                this.y < player.position.y - 5000 || this.y > player.position.y + 5000) {

        reset() {
            this.x = player.position.x + Math.random() * 10000 - 5000;
            this.y = player.position.y + Math.random() * 10000 - 5000;
            this.vx = 0;
            this.vy = 0;
   = Math.random() * 1000 + 1000;
            this.maxLife =;

        draw() {
            ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${this.alpha})`;
            ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.size, 0, Math.PI * 2);

        isAlive() {
            return >= 0;
    class ParticleSystem {
        constructor() {
            this.particles = [];
            this.updateHandler = undefined;

        addParticle(particle) {

        update(deltaTime = 0) {
            this.particles.forEach(particle => {
                this.updateHandler && this.updateHandler(particle);

        onUpdate(fn) {
            this.updateHandler = fn;
    let system = new ParticleSystem();
    for (let i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
        let particle = new Particle();
    system.onUpdate((particle) => {
        if (!particle.isAlive()) {
        } -= 10;
        particle.accelX = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.02;
        particle.accelY = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0.02;

        if ( >= particle.maxLife / 2) {
            particle.alpha = 1 - ( / particle.maxLife);
        } else {
            particle.alpha = / particle.maxLife;

    function update() {
    function draw() {
        system.particles.forEach(particle => particle.draw());
    for(let i = 0; i < system.particles.length; i++) {
        system.particles[i].life = 0;
    level.custom = () => {      
        for (let i = 0, len = b.guns.length; i < len; i++) {
            if (b.guns[i].name === "sword" && b.guns[i].have) {
                isOwned = true;
        Matter.Body.setPosition(sword, { x: -3950, y: -275 - (Math.sin(simulation.cycle / 100) * 50) });
        Matter.Body.setAngularVelocity(sword, 0);
        if (Matter.Collision.collides(sword, player) && index <= 0 || isOwned) {
            bladeTrails = [];
            bladeSegments = [];
            Composite.remove(, sword);
   => {
                Composite.remove(, part);
                const index = bullet.indexOf(part);
                if (index !== -1) {
                    bullet.splice(index, 1);
            door.isClosing = false;
            door2.isClosing = false;


        if (tech.isEnergyHealth) {
            const gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient(-3950, 0, 5, -3950, 0, 350 + Math.sin(simulation.cycle * 0.15) * 0.1);
            gradient.addColorStop(0, m.fieldMeterColor);
            gradient.addColorStop(0.9, "transparent");
            // gradient.addColorStop(1, "darkgray");
            ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
            ctx.strokeStyle = "transparent";
            ctx.fillRect(-4000, -350, 100, 350);
        } else {
            const gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(-3500, 0, -3500, -350 + Math.sin(simulation.cycle * 0.15) * 0.1);
            gradient.addColorStop(0, "crimson");
            gradient.addColorStop(0.9, "transparent");
            // gradient.addColorStop(1, "darkgray");
            ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
            ctx.strokeStyle = "transparent";
            ctx.fillRect(-4000, -350, 100, 350);
        if (player.position.x > -4000 && player.position.x < -3900 && player.position.y > -350 && player.position.y < 0) {
            player.force.y -= 0.03;

        if (player.position.x > level.exit.x && player.position.x < level.exit.x + 100 && player.position.y > level.exit.y - 150 && player.position.y < level.exit.y - 0 && player.velocity.y < .15 && index2 == 0 && !isUsingSwordMod) {
            b.removeGun("sword"); //completely removing the stuff (if you leave properly through the door)
            for (let i = 0, len = b.guns.length; i < len; i++) {
                if (b.guns[i].name === "sword") {
                    b.guns.splice(i, 1);
            setTimeout(()=> {simulation.makeTextLog(`If you want to keep this sword, visit <a href=""></a>. The sword is there.`)}, 1000)
        for (let i = 0; i < bladeSegments.length; i++) {
            const blade = bladeSegments[i];
            const trail = bladeTrails[i] || [];
            const vertices = => ({ x: vertex.x, y: vertex.y }));
            if (trail.length > 10) {
            bladeTrails[i] = trail;

        for (let i = 0; i < bladeTrails.length; i++) {
            const trail = bladeTrails[i];

            const alphaStep = 1 / trail.length;
            let alpha = 0;

            for (let j = 0; j < trail.length; j++) {
                const vertices = trail[j];
                ctx.moveTo(vertices[0].x, vertices[0].y);

                for (let k = 1; k < vertices.length; k++) {
                    ctx.lineTo(vertices[k].x, vertices[k].y);

                alpha += alphaStep;
                if (tech.isEnergyHealth) {
                    const eyeColor = m.fieldMeterColor;
                    const r = eyeColor[1];
                    const g = eyeColor[2];
                    const b = eyeColor[3];
                    const color = `#${r}${r}${g}${g}${b}${b}${Math.round(alpha * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0')}`;
                    ctx.fillStyle = color;
                } else {
                    ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(220, 20, 60, ${alpha})`;
        for (let i = 0; i < bladeSegments.length; i++) {
            ctx.lineJoin = "miter";
            ctx.miterLimit = 100;
            ctx.strokeStyle = tech.isEnergyHealth ? m.fieldMeterColor : tech.isAmmoSword ? "#c0c0c0" : "crimson";
            ctx.lineWidth = 5;
            ctx.fillStyle = "black";
            ctx.moveTo(bladeSegments[i].vertices[0].x, bladeSegments[i].vertices[0].y);
            for (let j = 0; j < bladeSegments[i].vertices.length; j++) {
                ctx.lineTo(bladeSegments[i].vertices[j].x, bladeSegments[i].vertices[j].y)
            ctx.lineJoin = "round";
            ctx.miterLimit = 10;
        if (bladeSegments.length) {
            ctx.lineJoin = "miter";
            ctx.miterLimit = 100;
            ctx.strokeStyle = tech.isEnergyHealth ? m.fieldMeterColor : tech.isAmmoSword ? "#c0c0c0" : "crimson";
            ctx.lineWidth = 5;
            ctx.fillStyle = "black";
            for (let j = 0; j <[1].vertices.length; j++) {
            ctx.lineJoin = "round";
            ctx.miterLimit = 10;
    level.customTopLayer = () => {};
        name: "genesis",
        death: false,
        pwuspawn: 0,
        do() {
            if(this.death === true) {
                b.explosion(g.pos, 200 * Math.random(), "#000000")
                setTimeout(() => {
                    if(this.pwuspawn === 0) {
                        powerUps.spawnBossPowerUp(g.pos.x, g.pos.y)
                }, 1000);
            if( >= 0) {
                if( < g.maxHealth) {
                const dist = Matter.Vector.magnitudeSquared(Matter.Vector.sub(genisis.position, player.position));
                const time = Math.sqrt(dist) / 60;
                g.alive = true;
                g.targetX = m.pos.x + player.velocity.x * time;
                g.targetY = m.pos.y + player.velocity.y * time;
            } else {
                this.death = true;
                g.alive = false;
            if(g.alive) {
                genisis.force.y += g.mass * simulation.g
                control.right = g.angle > -Math.PI * 2/5 && g.angle < Math.PI * 2/5;
                control.left = g.angle > Math.PI * 3/5 || g.angle < -Math.PI * 3/5;
                control.down = g.angle > Math.PI *  3/ 10 && g.angle < Math.PI * 7/10;
                if(Matter.Query.collides(genisis, body).length || Matter.Query.collides(genisisHead, map).length || Matter.Query.collides(genisisBodySensor, map).length && !control.down) {
                    if(g.buttonCD_jump < g.cycle) {
                control.up = g.angle > -Math.PI * 6/10 && g.angle < -Math.PI * 4/10;

                if (g.onGround) {
                } else {

                if(g.pos.y > simulation.fallHeight) {
                    Matter.Body.setPosition(genisis, {
                        x: level.exit.x,
                        y: level.exit.y
            } else {
                genisis.collisionFilter.mask = | cat.body;
                Matter.Body.setPosition(genisis, {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0

            if(simulation.testing) {
                let bodyDraw = genisisJumpSensor.vertices;
                ctx.moveTo(bodyDraw[0].x, bodyDraw[0].y);
                for (let j = 1; j < bodyDraw.length; ++j) {
                    ctx.lineTo(bodyDraw[j].x, bodyDraw[j].y);
                ctx.lineTo(bodyDraw[0].x, bodyDraw[0].y);
                ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)";

                bodyDraw = genisisBody.vertices;
                ctx.moveTo(bodyDraw[0].x, bodyDraw[0].y);
                for (let j = 1; j < bodyDraw.length; ++j) {
                    ctx.lineTo(bodyDraw[j].x, bodyDraw[j].y);
                ctx.lineTo(bodyDraw[0].x, bodyDraw[0].y);
                ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.25)";

                bodyDraw = genisisHead.vertices;
                ctx.moveTo(bodyDraw[0].x, bodyDraw[0].y);
                for (let j = 1; j < bodyDraw.length; ++j) {
                    ctx.lineTo(bodyDraw[j].x, bodyDraw[j].y);
                ctx.lineTo(bodyDraw[0].x, bodyDraw[0].y);
                ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.4)";

                bodyDraw = genisisHeadSensor.vertices;
                ctx.moveTo(bodyDraw[0].x, bodyDraw[0].y);
                for (let j = 1; j < bodyDraw.length; ++j) {
                    ctx.lineTo(bodyDraw[j].x, bodyDraw[j].y);
                ctx.lineTo(bodyDraw[0].x, bodyDraw[0].y);
                ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.25)";

                bodyDraw = genisisBodySensor.vertices;
                ctx.moveTo(bodyDraw[0].x, bodyDraw[0].y);
                for (let j = 1; j < bodyDraw.length; ++j) {
                    ctx.lineTo(bodyDraw[j].x, bodyDraw[j].y);
                ctx.lineTo(bodyDraw[0].x, bodyDraw[0].y);
                ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.25)";

            Events.on(engine, "collisionStart", function(event) {
            Events.on(engine, "collisionActive", function(event) {
            Events.on(engine, "collisionEnd", function(event) {
    let evo = {
        isLongBlade: true,
        isScytheRange: true,
        scytheRange: 3,
        isScytheRad: false,
        scytheRad: 0,
        isDoubleScythe: false,
        isPhaseScythe: false,
        isMeleeScythe: false,
        isStunScythe: false,
Whyisthisnotavalable commented 4 months ago

simulation.ephemera.push({ name: "genisisScythe", cycle: 0, scythe: undefined, bladeSegments: undefined, bladeTrails: [], angle: 0, constraint: undefined, fireCD: 0, do() { if(isOwned) { if( < 500 && > 200) { evo = { isLongBlade: true, isScytheRange: true, scytheRange: 3, isScytheRad: false, scytheRad: 1, isDoubleScythe: true, isPhaseScythe: false, isMeleeScythe: false, isStunScythe: false, }; } else if( < 200 && > 50) { evo = { isLongBlade: true, isScytheRange: true, scytheRange: 3, isScytheRad: true, scytheRad: 1, isDoubleScythe: true, isPhaseScythe: true, isMeleeScythe: true, isStunScythe: true, }; } else if( < 50) { evo = { isLongBlade: true, isScytheRange: true, scytheRange: 9, isScytheRad: true, scytheRad: 6, isDoubleScythe: true, isPhaseScythe: true, isMeleeScythe: true, isStunScythe: true, }; } if (g.cycle > this.fireCD && !this.scythe) { this.fireCD = g.cycle + 30; if (!this.scythe) { ({ scythe: this.scythe, bladeSegments: this.bladeSegments} = this.createAndSwingScythe()); this.angle = g.angle; } } if(this.scythe && g.cycle > this.cycle + 30 || !g.alive && this.scythe) { Composite.remove(, this.scythe); => { Composite.remove(, part); const index = bullet.indexOf(part); if (index !== -1) { bullet.splice(index, 1); } }); this.scythe = undefined; this.bladeTrails = []; } else { if (this.scythe && !evo.isMeleeScythe) { if (!(this.angle > -Math.PI / 2 && this.angle < Math.PI / 2)) { Matter.Body.setAngularVelocity(this.scythe, -Math.PI 0.15 - (evo.scytheRad ? evo.scytheRad 0.1 : 0)); } else { Matter.Body.setAngularVelocity(this.scythe, Math.PI 0.15 + (evo.scytheRad ? evo.scytheRad 0.1 : 0)); } Matter.Body.setVelocity(this.scythe, { x: Math.cos(this.angle) 30, y: Math.sin(this.angle) 30 }); } else if(this.scythe && evo.isMeleeScythe) { if (!(this.angle > -Math.PI / 2 && this.angle < Math.PI / 2)) { Matter.Body.setAngularVelocity(this.scythe, -Math.PI 0.1 + (evo.isStunScythe ? 0.1 : 0)); } else { Matter.Body.setAngularVelocity(this.scythe, Math.PI 0.1 - (evo.isStunScythe ? 0.1 : 0)); } Matter.Body.setPosition(this.scythe, genisis.position); } } if(this.scythe) { for (let i = 0; i < this.bladeSegments.length; i++) { const blade = this.bladeSegments[i]; const trail = this.bladeTrails[i] || []; const vertices = => ({ x: vertex.x, y: vertex.y })); trail.push(vertices); if (trail.length > 10) { trail.shift(); } this.bladeTrails[i] = trail; }

                    for (let i = 0; i < this.bladeTrails.length; i++) {
                        const trail = this.bladeTrails[i];

                        const alphaStep = 1 / trail.length;
                        let alpha = 0;

                        for (let j = 0; j < trail.length; j++) {
                            const vertices = trail[j];
                            ctx.moveTo(vertices[0].x, vertices[0].y);

                            for (let k = 1; k < vertices.length; k++) {
                                ctx.lineTo(vertices[k].x, vertices[k].y);

                            alpha += alphaStep;
                            ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(100, 20, 255, ${alpha})`;
                    for(let i = 0; i < this.bladeSegments.length; i++) {
                        ctx.lineJoin = "miter";
                        ctx.miterLimit = 100;
                        ctx.strokeStyle = `rgb(100, 20, 255)`;
                        ctx.lineWidth = 5;
                        ctx.fillStyle = "black";
                        ctx.moveTo(this.bladeSegments[i].vertices[0].x, this.bladeSegments[i].vertices[0].y);
                        for(let j = 0; j < this.bladeSegments[i].vertices.length; j++) {
                            ctx.lineTo(this.bladeSegments[i].vertices[j].x, this.bladeSegments[i].vertices[j].y)
                        ctx.lineJoin = "round";
                        ctx.miterLimit = 10;
                if(this.scythe) {
                    for (let i = 0; i < mob.length; i++) {
                        if (Matter.Query.collides(this.scythe, [mob[i]]).length > 0) {
                            const dmg = m.dmgScale * 0.12 * 2.73 * (evo.isLongBlade ? 1.3 : 1) * (evo.scytheRange ? evo.scytheRange * 1.15 : 1) * (evo.isDoubleScythe ? 0.9 : 1) * (evo.scytheRad ? evo.scytheRad * 1.5 : 1);
                            mob[i].damage(dmg, true);
                                x: mob[i].position.x,
                                y: mob[i].position.y,
                                radius: Math.sqrt(dmg) * 50,
                                color: simulation.mobDmgColor,
                                time: simulation.drawTime
                            if(!evo.isMeleeScythe) {
                                const angle = Math.atan2(mob[i].position.y - this.scythe.position.y, mob[i].position.x - this.scythe.position.x);
                                this.scythe.force.x += Math.cos(angle) * 2;
                                this.scythe.force.y += Math.sin(angle) * 2;
                            if(evo.isStunScythe) {
                                mobs.statusStun(mob[i], 90);
                    if(Matter.Query.collides(this.scythe, [player]).length > 0 && m.immuneCycle < m.cycle) {
                        const dmg = 0.02 * (evo.isLongBlade ? 1.3 : 1) * (evo.scytheRange ? evo.scytheRange * 1.15 : 1) * (evo.isDoubleScythe ? 0.9 : 1) * (evo.scytheRad ? evo.scytheRad * 1.5 : 1); // actual scythe scallings one tap the player so this is nerfed for genisis
                        m.immuneCycle = m.cycle + 10;
                            x: player.position.x,
                            y: player.position.y,
                            radius: Math.sqrt(dmg) * 50,
                            color: simulation.mobDmgColor,
                            time: simulation.drawTime
                        if(!evo.isMeleeScythe) {
                            const angle = Math.atan2(player.position.y - this.scythe.position.y, player.position.x - this.scythe.position.x);
                            this.scythe.force.x += Math.cos(angle) * 2;
                            this.scythe.force.y += Math.sin(angle) * 2;
        createAndSwingScythe(x = genisis.position.x, y = genisis.position.y, angle = g.angle) {
            this.cycle = g.cycle + 60 + (evo.scytheRange * 6);
            const handleWidth = 20;
            const handleHeight = 200 + (evo.isLongBlade ? 30 : 0) + (evo.isMeleeScythe ? 200 : 0);
            const handle = Bodies.rectangle(x, y, handleWidth, handleHeight, spawn.propsIsNotHoldable);
            bullet[bullet.length] = handle;
            bullet[bullet.length - 1].do = () => {};
            const bladeWidth = 100;
            const bladeHeight = 20;
            const numBlades = 10 + (evo.isLongBlade ? 1 : 0) + (evo.isMeleeScythe ? 3 : 0);
            const extensionFactor = 5.5;
            const bladeSegments = [];
            if(!evo.isDoubleScythe) {
                for (let i = 0; i < numBlades; i++) {
                    const extensionFactorFraction = (i / (numBlades - 1)) * extensionFactor;
                    const bladeX = x - handleWidth / 2 + i * (bladeWidth / 2) - extensionFactorFraction * (bladeWidth / 2);
                    const bladeY = y + handleHeight / 2 - i * (bladeHeight / (3 ** i));

                    const vertices = [
                        { x: bladeX, y: bladeY - bladeHeight / 2 }, 
                        { x: bladeX + bladeWidth / 2, y: bladeY + bladeHeight / 2 },
                        { x: bladeX - bladeWidth / 2, y: bladeY + bladeHeight / 2 },
                        { x: bladeX, y: bladeY - bladeHeight / 2 + 10 },

                    const blade = Bodies.fromVertices(bladeX, bladeY, vertices, spawn.propsIsNotHoldable);
                    bullet[bullet.length] = blade;
                    bullet[bullet.length - 1].do = () => {};
                    Matter.Body.rotate(blade, -Math.sin(i * (Math.PI / 180) * 5));
            } else {
                for (let i = 0; i < numBlades; i++) {
                    const extensionFactorFraction = (i / (numBlades - 1)) * extensionFactor;
                    const bladeX = x - handleWidth / 2 + i * (bladeWidth / 2) - extensionFactorFraction * (bladeWidth / 2);
                    const bladeY = y + handleHeight / 2 - i * (bladeHeight / (3 ** i));

                    const vertices = [
                        { x: bladeX, y: bladeY - bladeHeight / 2 }, 
                        { x: bladeX + bladeWidth / 2, y: bladeY + bladeHeight / 2 },
                        { x: bladeX - bladeWidth / 2, y: bladeY + bladeHeight / 2 },
                        { x: bladeX, y: bladeY - bladeHeight / 2 + 10 },

                    const blade = Bodies.fromVertices(bladeX, bladeY, vertices, spawn.propsIsNotHoldable);
                    bullet[bullet.length] = blade;
                    bullet[bullet.length - 1].do = () => {};
                    Matter.Body.rotate(blade, -Math.sin(i * (Math.PI / 180) * 5));

                for (let i = 0; i < numBlades; i++) {
                    const extensionFactorFraction = (i / (numBlades - 1)) * extensionFactor;
                    const bladeX = x + handleWidth / 2 - i * (bladeWidth / 2) + extensionFactorFraction * (bladeWidth / 2);
                    const bladeY = y - handleHeight / 2 - i * (bladeHeight / (3 ** i));

                    const vertices = [
                        { x: bladeX, y: bladeY - bladeHeight / 2 }, 
                        { x: bladeX + bladeWidth / 2, y: bladeY + bladeHeight / 2 },
                        { x: bladeX - bladeWidth / 2, y: bladeY + bladeHeight / 2 },
                        { x: bladeX, y: bladeY - bladeHeight / 2 + 10 },

                    const blade = Bodies.fromVertices(bladeX, bladeY, vertices, spawn.propsIsNotHoldable);
                    bullet[bullet.length] = blade;
                    bullet[bullet.length - 1].do = () => {};
                    Matter.Body.rotate(blade, -Math.sin(i * (Math.PI / 180) * 5) + Math.PI);
            const scythe = Body.create({
                parts: [handle, ...bladeSegments],
            Composite.add(, scythe);
            Matter.Body.setPosition(scythe, { x, y });

            scythe.collisionFilter.category = cat.body;
            scythe.collisionFilter.mask = cat.mobBullet | cat.player;
            if(!evo.isMeleeScythe) {
                    scythe.collisionFilter.mask = cat.mobBullet | cat.mob | cat.player;
                }, 1000)
            if ((angle > -Math.PI / 2 && angle < Math.PI / 2)) {
                Body.scale(scythe, -1, 1, { x, y });

            scythe.frictionAir -= 0.01;

            return { scythe, bladeSegments };
    spawn.mapRect(-10000, 0, 20000, 2000);
    spawn.mapRect(-10000, -10000, 2000, 10000);
    spawn.mapRect(8000, -10000, 2000, 10000);
    spawn.mapRect(-10000, -10000, 20000, 2000);
    spawn.spawnStairs(8000, 0, 15, 2500, 2500, true);
    spawn.spawnStairs(-8000, 0, 15, 2500, 2500, false);

    spawn.mapRect(-4000, -10, 100, 20);
    spawn.mapRect(4000, -10, 100, 20);

    spawn.mapRect(-1000, -10000, 2000, 8000);
    // spawn.mapRect(-500, -10000, 1000, 9700);
    function createSword(x = 0, y = 0) { //sword asthetic
        const handleWidth = 20;
        const handleHeight = 150;
        const handle = Bodies.rectangle(x, y, handleWidth, handleHeight, spawn.propsIsNotHoldable);
        bullet[bullet.length] = handle;
        handle.customName = "handle";
        bullet[bullet.length - 1].do = () => {};
        const pommelWidth = 30;
        const pommelHeight = 40;
        const pommelVertices = [
            { x: x, y: y + handleHeight / 2 + pommelHeight / 2 },
            { x: x + pommelWidth / 2, y: y + handleHeight / 2 },
            { x: x, y: y + handleHeight / 2 - pommelHeight / 2 },
            { x: x - pommelWidth / 2, y: y + handleHeight / 2 },
        const pommel = Bodies.fromVertices(x, y + handleHeight / 2, pommelVertices, spawn.propsIsNotHoldable);
        bullet[bullet.length] = pommel;
        bullet[bullet.length - 1].do = () => {};
        if(tech.soundSword) {
            bullet[bullet.length - 1].draw = () => {};
        // Blade setup
        const bladeWidth = 100 * (tech.soundSword ? 3 : 1);
        const bladeHeight = 20 * (tech.soundSword ? 3 : 1);
        const numBlades = 15;
        const extensionFactor = 5;
        const bladeSegments = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < numBlades; i++) {
                const extensionFactorFraction = (i / (numBlades - 1)) * extensionFactor;
                const mirroredBladeX = x - i * (bladeWidth / 20);
                const mirroredBladeY = y - handleHeight / 2 - i * (bladeHeight / 4.5) * extensionFactor;
                const mirroredVertices = [
                    { x: mirroredBladeX, y: mirroredBladeY - bladeHeight / 2 },
                    { x: mirroredBladeX + bladeWidth / 2, y: mirroredBladeY + bladeHeight / 2 },
                    { x: mirroredBladeX - bladeWidth / 2, y: mirroredBladeY + bladeHeight / 2 },
                    { x: mirroredBladeX, y: mirroredBladeY - bladeHeight / 2 + 10 },
                const mirroredBlade = Bodies.fromVertices(mirroredBladeX, mirroredBladeY, mirroredVertices, spawn.propsIsNotHoldable);
                bullet[bullet.length] = mirroredBlade;
                bullet[bullet.length - 1].do = () => {};
                if(tech.soundSword) {
                    bullet[bullet.length - 1].draw = () => {};
                Matter.Body.rotate(mirroredBlade, Math.sin(i * (Math.PI / 270) * 15));
        const sword = Body.create({
            parts: [handle, ...bladeSegments],

        Composite.add(, sword);
        Matter.Body.setPosition(sword, { x, y });

        sword.collisionFilter.category = cat.bullet;
        sword.collisionFilter.mask = cat.mobBullet | cat.powerup | cat.mob;
        Body.scale(sword, -1, 1, { x, y });
        Body.rotate(sword, Math.PI + Math.PI / 15)

        return { sword, bladeSegments };
Whyisthisnotavalable commented 4 months ago

I split it up because it was too long

Jwang0506 commented 4 months ago

W richard fr fr

AnnonymousNerd87 commented 4 months ago

this has the nerdface seal of approval

creator1116 commented 4 months ago


landgreen commented 3 months ago

Can you explain what's new in this update. Also can you add the code as a text file attachment.

Whyisthisnotavalable commented 3 months ago

I added a new boss, updated the sword code, removed mobs because they spawned too high up, and fixed particle rendering bug. I probably fixed some other bugs but I forgot.

landgreen commented 3 months ago

ok it's in next patch.