Closed Whyisthisnotavalable closed 1 year ago
slasher3(x, y, radius = 33 + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 30)) {
const sides = 6
mobs.spawn(x, y, sides, radius, "rgb(180,215,235)");
let me = mob[mob.length - 1];
Matter.Body.rotate(me, 2 * Math.PI * Math.random());
me.accelMag = 0.0005 * simulation.accelScale;
me.frictionStatic = 0;
me.friction = 0;
me.frictionAir = 0.02;
me.delay = 150 * simulation.CDScale; = 0;
me.cycle = 0;
me.swordVertex = 1
me.swordRadiusInitial = radius / 2;
me.swordRadius = me.swordRadiusInitial;
me.swordRadiusMax = 750 + 6 * simulation.difficulty;
me.swordRadiusGrowRateInitial = 1.08
me.swordRadiusGrowRate = me.swordRadiusGrowRateInitial//me.swordRadiusMax * (0.009 + 0.0002 * simulation.difficulty)
me.isSlashing = false;
me.swordDamage = 0.04 * simulation.dmgScale
me.laserAngle = 3 * Math.PI / 5
const seeDistance2 = me.swordRadiusMax * me.swordRadiusMax
spawn.shield(me, x, y);
me.onDamage = function () { }; = function () {
this.sword() //does various things depending on what stage of the sword swing
me.swordWaiting = function () {
if (
this.seePlayer.recall && < simulation.cycle &&
this.distanceToPlayer2() < seeDistance2 &&
Matter.Query.ray(map, this.position, this.playerPosRandomY()).length === 0 &&
Matter.Query.ray(body, this.position, this.playerPosRandomY()).length === 0
) {
//find vertex closest to the player
let dist = Infinity
for (let i = 0, len = this.vertices.length; i < len; i++) {
const D = Vector.magnitudeSquared(Vector.sub({ x: this.vertices[i].x, y: this.vertices[i].y }, m.pos))
if (D < dist) {
dist = D
this.swordVertex = i
this.laserAngle = this.swordVertex / sides * 2 * Math.PI + Math.PI / sides
this.sword = this.swordGrow
this.cycle = 0
this.swordRadius = this.swordRadiusInitial
//slow velocity but don't stop
Matter.Body.setVelocity(this, Vector.mult(this.velocity, 0.5))
//set angular velocity to 50%
// Matter.Body.setAngularVelocity(this, this.angularVelocity * 0.5)
//gently rotate towards the player with a torque, use cross product to decided clockwise or counterclockwise
const laserStartVector = Vector.sub(this.position, this.vertices[this.swordVertex])
const playerVector = Vector.sub(this.position, m.pos)
const cross = Matter.Vector.cross(laserStartVector, playerVector)
this.torque = 0.00002 * this.inertia * (cross > 0 ? 1 : -1)
me.sword = me.swordWaiting //base function that changes during different aspects of the sword swing
me.swordGrow = function () {
const angle = this.angle + this.laserAngle;
const end = {
x: this.vertices[this.swordVertex].x + this.swordRadiusMax * Math.cos(angle),
y: this.vertices[this.swordVertex].y + this.swordRadiusMax * Math.sin(angle)
const dx = end.x - this.vertices[this.swordVertex + 1 > 5 ? 0 : this.swordVertex + 1].x;
const dy = end.y - this.vertices[this.swordVertex + 1 > 5 ? 0 : this.swordVertex + 1].y;
const angle1 = Math.atan2(dy, dx) * (180 / Math.PI);
const dx1 = end.x - this.vertices[this.swordVertex - 1 < 0 ? 5 : this.swordVertex - 1].x;
const dy1 = end.y - this.vertices[this.swordVertex - 1 < 0 ? 5 : this.swordVertex - 1].y;
const angle2 = Math.atan2(dy1, dx1) * (180 / Math.PI);
this.laserSpear(this.vertices[this.swordVertex], this.angle + this.laserAngle);
this.laserSpear(this.vertices[this.swordVertex + 1 > 5 ? 0 : this.swordVertex + 1], angle1 * (Math.PI / 180))
this.laserSpear(this.vertices[this.swordVertex - 1 < 0 ? 5 : this.swordVertex - 1], angle2 * (Math.PI / 180))
Matter.Body.setVelocity(this, Vector.mult(this.velocity, 0.9))
// this.swordRadius += this.swordRadiusGrowRate
// this.swordRadius = this.swordRadiusMax * Math.sin(this.cycle * 0.03)
this.swordRadius *= this.swordRadiusGrowRate
if (this.swordRadius > this.swordRadiusMax) this.swordRadiusGrowRate = 1 / this.swordRadiusGrowRateInitial
// if (this.swordRadius > this.swordRadiusMax) this.swordRadiusGrowRate = -Math.abs(this.swordRadiusGrowRate)
if (this.swordRadius < this.swordRadiusInitial || this.isStunned) {
// this.swordRadiusGrowRate = Math.abs(this.swordRadiusGrowRate)
this.swordRadiusGrowRate = this.swordRadiusGrowRateInitial
this.sword = this.swordWaiting
this.swordRadius = 0 = simulation.cycle + this.delay;
me.laserSpear = function (where, angle) {
const vertexCollision = function (v1, v1End, domain) {
for (let i = 0; i < domain.length; ++i) {
let v = domain[i].vertices;
const len = v.length - 1;
for (let j = 0; j < len; j++) {
results = simulation.checkLineIntersection(v1, v1End, v[j], v[j + 1]);
if (results.onLine1 && results.onLine2) {
const dx = v1.x - results.x;
const dy = v1.y - results.y;
const dist2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (dist2 < best.dist2 && (!domain[i].mob || domain[i].alive)) best = { x: results.x, y: results.y, dist2: dist2, who: domain[i], v1: v[j], v2: v[j + 1] };
results = simulation.checkLineIntersection(v1, v1End, v[0], v[len]);
if (results.onLine1 && results.onLine2) {
const dx = v1.x - results.x;
const dy = v1.y - results.y;
const dist2 = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (dist2 < best.dist2) best = { x: results.x, y: results.y, dist2: dist2, who: domain[i], v1: v[0], v2: v[len] };
best = { x: null, y: null, dist2: Infinity, who: null, v1: null, v2: null };
const look = { x: where.x + this.swordRadius * Math.cos(angle), y: where.y + this.swordRadius * Math.sin(angle) };
vertexCollision(where, look, body); // vertexCollision(where, look, mob);
vertexCollision(where, look, map);
if (!m.isCloak) vertexCollision(where, look, [playerBody, playerHead]);
if (best.who && (best.who === playerBody || best.who === playerHead)) {
this.swordRadiusGrowRate = 1 / this.swordRadiusGrowRateInitial //!!!! this retracts the sword if it hits the player
if (m.immuneCycle < m.cycle) {
m.immuneCycle = m.cycle + m.collisionImmuneCycles + 60; //player is immune to damage for an extra second
simulation.drawList.push({ //add dmg to draw queue
x: best.x,
y: best.y,
radius: this.swordDamage * 1500,
color: "rgba(80,0,255,0.5)",
time: 20
if (best.dist2 === Infinity) best = look;
ctx.beginPath(); //draw beam
ctx.moveTo(where.x, where.y);
ctx.lineTo(best.x, best.y);
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(100,100,255,0.1)"; // Purple path
ctx.lineWidth = 15;
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(100,100,255,0.5)"; // Purple path
ctx.lineWidth = 4;
ctx.setLineDash([70 + 300 * Math.random(), 55 * Math.random()]);
ctx.stroke(); // Draw it
Right now it's pretty easy to dodge, adding 2 extra swords would make it a bit harder.
Difficulty scaling can be done by adjusting range and speed. I thought the difficulty was fine in my limited testing, but I'll rebalance if it seems too easy or hard. I'm not looking for code contributions for mobs. This is mostly because writing the mob code is very quick and balance and testing is very slow. Even with a community written mob I'd still have to do balance and testing, so there isn't any benefit.
This is just a concept, it doesn't have to be added.
OK. It got me thinking. Thanks.