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Infrastructure for Lowering the Barriers to Numerical Modeling in Earth Science #699

Open ChristinaB opened 6 years ago

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

Dear Landlab Coauthors on this paper @erkanistan @RondaStrauch @saisiddu @nicgaspar @gregtucker @kbarnhart @mcflugen @jadams15 @SiccarPoint Here are links to review materials:

Draft paper on Google


HydroShare Resources to three Notebooks Click on 'Open With', click through Welcome page, click on Notebooks. Explore_Routing_Tutorial.ipynb Replicate_Landslide_model_for_fire.ipynb Reuse_ecohydrology_observatory.ipynb [NewMexico_Observatory_GridMet.ipynb is a supporting notebook that generates inputs top the Reuse Notebook]

As you review, please edit Notebooks and email the files and I'll add it to the list and make sure I don't lose it.


Can I get feedback on the Notebooks by May 25? You can also read the paper, but the results depend on the Notebooks.

Do I have the appropriate list of authors? Does anyone want off the list if you are not able to contribute? Am I missing anyone?

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

List of Notebook edits

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

@kbarnhart You asked in KRB note: can you link to both component's Users Manual pages? I can't find one. @gregtucker Where should users go to learn more about kinematicwave?

kbarnhart commented 6 years ago

Thanks for summarizing all this here @ChristinaB! I'll do my best to give comments by that deadline, but with the CSDMS meeting next week (and getting ready for it), it might not be possible for me.

A follow up question. You haven't specified how you'd like us to provide feedback. And these notebooks aren't in the tutorials repository, so they are hard to give feedback via pull request.

Do you want comments in an email? or some other way?

ChristinaB commented 6 years ago

I thought everyone said they prefer to email... but i'd rather have group conversations here rather than long email chains. Also, I can add the tutorials so you can comment by PR if you want

gregtucker commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately there isn't a manual for KinwaveImplicitOverlandFlow yet.

SiccarPoint commented 6 years ago

Hi Christina - what do you think would be most useful for my role? You will probably have a lot of eyes on the notebooks already, so would it be good for me to have a "fresh" look once a first round of iterations have gone through?

Also happy to go over it now too - just wanted to see if you thought that might be a good idea.