lando / core

Current Lando v3 runtime
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Lando setup produces an exit code of 0 when there are errors #118

Closed AaronFeledy closed 2 months ago

AaronFeledy commented 3 months ago

When running lando setup and encountering errors such as #116 and #117, Lando does not throw an error code. This is problematic if lando setup is being executed by a script that needs to identify whether setup was successful.

pirog commented 3 months ago

@AaronFeledy do you think this is exclusive to windows?

pirog commented 3 months ago

Adding some more context here. At least on my mac the following conditions produced an exit code of 1

@AaronFeledy what part of setup is failing for you? Will try a few things out in Windows but suspect that maybe the powershell script is not bubbling up its error?

pirog commented 3 months ago

@AaronFeledy i tried a lot of different combinations to try and replicate this but could not. How sure are you? Can you provide concrete steps to replicate? I pushed up a generic trap for the Docker Desktop installer script which feels like the place most susceptible to this.

I'll keep this issue open for now but im at "cannot replicate" and moving onto other things.

AaronFeledy commented 2 months ago

The generic trap seems to have done the trick. Docker Desktop install was throwing an exception in an environment with an incomplete WMI repository.