lando / core

Current Lando v3 runtime
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Underscores from project name no longer used to create URLs #119

Open mpbixal opened 2 months ago

mpbixal commented 2 months ago

Using the following .lando.yml:

name: just_a_test recipe: drupal10

Lando v3.20.8:

APPSERVER URLS ✔ https://localhost:32884 [200] ✔ http://localhost:32885 [200] ✔ [200] ✔ [200]

Lando v3.21.0-beta.1:

APPSERVER URLS ✔ https://localhost:32869 [200] ✔ http://localhost:32870 [200] ✔ [200] ✔ [200]

With the new beta, the _ from the project name are no longer used to create the URLs.

Is this intended functionality? I did not see it in the extended release notes

reynoldsalec commented 2 months ago

I was able to replicate this issue in Laravel, so I suspect it's a @lando/core issue, transferred here.

reynoldsalec commented 2 months ago

@pirog filled me in on the details here; this was a change introduced by lando/core when we traded the transliteration package for slugify as the tool the project names into URL-friendly values. slugify is more strict about URL best practices; underscores are technically acceptable for URLs, but not recommended, hence why slugify strips them.

At this point we think the breaking change is probably acceptable, but it certainly needs to be documented and prominently announced in the blog post for v3.21, since it'll be a breaking change for anyone relying on an underscore URL in a settings.php-style file.