lando / drupal

The Official Drupal Lando plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 17 forks source link

Step paused on "Lando drush site:install ..." #94

Closed vimmacs closed 3 months ago

vimmacs commented 3 months ago


Following Lando Official Guide Steps, we went to this step and the issue occured: =>lando drush site:install --db-url=mysql://drupal10:drupal10@database/drupal10 -y =>[preflight] Package "drupal/core" is not installed

This is an unexpected output.


  1. Latest Lando with its built-in Docker // v3.21.0-beta.1
  2. Macbook M1Pro Chip; project folder "b6". please refer to the attachment. Screenshot 2024-02-19 at 18 46 32
reynoldsalec commented 3 months ago

Tried replicating this on my (also M1 Mac) laptop and wasn't having success; as long as you run the lando composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:10.0.x-dev@dev tmp && cp -r tmp/. . && rm -rf tmp command, you should have drupal/core installed prior to running lando start.

If you're getting stuck on this, you might try running lando start and then running lando composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:10.0.x-dev@dev tmp && cp -r tmp/. . && rm -rf tmp...I think both are equivalent.

Definitely re-open this or ping me on Slack if you have more questions!

vimmacs commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your detailed guidance @reynoldsalec . The rm -rf tmp approached worked!