lando / lando

A development tool for all your projects that is fast, easy, powerful and liberating
GNU General Public License v3.0
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v3.21.0-beta.1 should not be marked as stable #3679

Closed Grldk closed 2 months ago

Grldk commented 3 months ago

The latest beta release is marked as the latest release, which causes the lando cli to mark it as an available update. Shouldn't it be marked as a pre-release? I'm on the stable channel, I wouldn't expect beta releases to show up as updates on the stable channel..

Thanks for all the hard work on lando btw, really like what you are doing with it!

dsuurlant commented 3 months ago

Agreed, especially since per the release notes this version has some big changes. I found it surprising as well to see a beta release show up in the 'stable' channel. Perhaps this is intentional, but then there should be some clarification in what the stable channel contains -- or an additional channel for beta releases perhaps.

yorkshire-pudding commented 3 months ago

It would also benefit from better instructions on upgrading from 3.20.8 to this new approach. I got this message after updating in the usual way and trying to start a lando app (WSL2 > Ubuntu 20.02 LTS):

Error message ```bash ✖ Enquirer is a peer dependency that must be installed separately. ERROR ==> Enquirer is a peer dependency that must be installed separately. ██╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗██╗ ██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██╔═══██╗██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║███████║ ██║ ██║███████║██║ ██║ ██║██╔══██║ ██║ ██║██╔══██║╚═╝ ╚██████╔╝██║ ██║ ╚██████╔╝██║ ██║██╗ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ An unrecoverable error occurred while starting up your app! Here are a few things you can try to get back into a good state: ◼ Try running Run lando rebuild ◼ Try restarting in debug mode Run lando restart --debug ◼ Try checking the logs with Run lando logs If those fail then consult the troubleshooting materials: ◼ ◼ Or post your issue to Slack or GitHub ◼ Slack - ◼ GitHub - ERROR ==> Enquirer is a peer dependency that must be installed separately. ```

No mention of lando setup as indicated in the blog post. I've reverted to 3.20.8 for now as cannot spare the time to beta test this process.

attheshow commented 3 months ago

If anyone else needs to downgrade to 3.20.8 and has errors after the downgrade, you might need to delete the directory at ~/.lando and have it be recreated via lando start.

jnettik commented 3 months ago

I also had big issues on the new beta release. Specifically on sites using the Pantheon recipe, I was getting errors saying:

_      __              _           __
 | | /| / /__ ________  (_)__  ___ _/ /
 | |/ |/ / _ `/ __/ _ \/ / _ \/ _ `/_/ 
 |__/|__/\_,_/_/ /_//_/_/_//_/\_, (_)  

Your app is starting up but we have already detected some things you should investigate.
These may or may not prevent your app from working.

  ⚠ Proxying to unknown service!
    appserver_nginx is a service that does not exist in your app!!!
    This means we have not been able to set up your proxy route
    We recommend running the below command to see the services for this app
    Run lando info

  ℹ Updates available!
    Lando has detected 5 packages that can be updated.
    Updating fixes bugs, security issues and bring new features.
    Run lando update

Here are some vitals:

 NAME      touchstone-me                   
 LOCATION  /Users/jnettik/Sites/touchstone 
 SERVICES  appserver, database, index      
    ✖ Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established
    ✖ socket hang up
    ✔ http://localhost:63613/ [302]

Downgrading this morning.

tormi commented 3 months ago

Please use the latest

Zakini commented 3 months ago

Have a read of #3666. That covers the same issue and one of the maintainers has explained the reasoning

UTCGilligan commented 2 months ago

I'm having good Lando luck by installing beta-7, lando setup/update, and update to latest docker desktop after the automatic setup of docker compose.

reynoldsalec commented 2 months ago

As @Zakini mentioned you can get a longer explanation of why the beta release was deployed to the stable channel:

Closing this out but feel free to ping me on the Lando Slack if you have more questions!

attheshow commented 2 months ago

@jnettik Did you try updating to the latest beta version yet? Any better luck this time around?

jnettik commented 2 months ago

@attheshow I have not had time yet to test out the lastest beta. I might try it out next week depending on a couple deadlines I'm up against.

gcalex5 commented 2 months ago

Was getting the same/similar for Pantheon recipes on v3.21.0-beta.12

"service "edge" depends on undefined service appserver_nginx: invalid compose project"

reynoldsalec commented 2 months ago

@gcalex5 did you try running lando update? Also probably good to make sure if you're running the Pantheon recipe you're not falling into this trap:

reynoldsalec commented 1 month ago

@gcalex5 in helping some folks on Slack, found out the cause of that error: if you have a .lando.yml that overrides the appserver service and specifies type: php, it will cause that problem.

Example of .lando.yml that will cause the error:

name: my-pantheon-project
recipe: pantheon
  framework: wordpress
  site: my-pantheon-project
  id: some id
    type: php # REMOVE THIS LINE
    composer_version: 2.5.8

In the above example, if you remove the line type: php you should get past the error.

brooke-heaton commented 3 days ago

Thanks @reynoldsalec that solved my issue with a Pantheon recipe.