lando / node

The Official Node Lando plugin.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 2 forks source link

ERROR ==> Could not find a service builder called node in the builder registry! #71

Closed UTCGilligan closed 4 months ago

UTCGilligan commented 4 months ago

Updated Lando today to v3.21.0-beta.6

❯ lando rebuild
WARN ==> node is not a supported service type.
ERROR ==> Could not find a service builder called node in the builder registry!


name: wpblogmultisite
recipe: wordpress
  php: '8.2'
  webroot: web
  database: mariadb
  xdebug: false

      - cd $LANDO_MOUNT && composer install
      - cd $LANDO_MOUNT && cp web/.htaccess.example web/.htaccess
      - cd $LANDO_MOUNT && cp .env.example .env
      - cd $LANDO_MOUNT && touch web/app/plugins/.gitkeep && touch web/app/themes/.gitkeep
      - composer global require laravel/envoy
    type: node
        - 3000:3000
    type: mailhog
      - appserver

    service: appserver
    service: theme
    service: theme

UTCGilligan commented 4 months ago
❯ lando rebuild --debug -y ``` lando starting 'lando' version '3.21.0-beta.6' runtime selector... +0ms lando merged in additional config source from file '/snapshot/cli/config.yml' +41ms lando merged in additional config source from file '/Users/me/.lando/config.yml' +12ms lando merged in additional config source from 'LANDO_*' envvars with data {} +3ms lando final assembled minconf is { lando configSources: [ '/snapshot/cli/config.yml', '/Users/me/.lando/config.yml' ], lando envPrefix: 'LANDO', lando landoFile: '.lando.yml', lando preLandoFiles: [ lando '.lando.base.yml', lando '.lando.dist.yml', lando '.lando.recipe.yml', lando '.lando.upstream.yml' lando ], lando postLandoFiles: [ '.lando.local.yml', '.lando.user.yml' ], lando runtime: 3, lando srcRoot: '/snapshot/cli', lando userConfRoot: '/Users/me/.lando', lando product: 'lando', lando hyperdrive: 'hyperdrive', lando channel: 'stable', lando domain: '', lando mode: 'cli', lando stats: [ { report: true, url: '' } ] lando } +0ms lando detected an app 'wpblogmultisite' at '/Users/me/Sites/projects/wpblogmultisite' +55ms lando using '@lando/core' runtime version 3 +0ms lando starting lando with 'v3' runtime using cli { ENVPREFIX: undefined, LOGLEVELCONSOLE: 4, USERCONFROOT: undefined, COREBASE: '/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core' } +529ms lando using cli config { commit: false, coreBase: false, dev: false, entrypoint: '/Users/me/.lando/bin/lando', file: '/Users/me/.lando/bin/lando-v3.21.0-beta.6', installPath: '/Users/me/.lando/bin', packaged: true, plugin: '/snapshot/cli', slim: true, source: false } +0ms lando using cli config { commit: false, coreBase: false, dev: false, entrypoint: '/Users/me/.lando/bin/lando', file: '/Users/me/.lando/bin/lando-v3.21.0-beta.6', installPath: '/Users/me/.lando/bin', packaged: true, plugin: '/snapshot/cli', slim: true, source: false } +867ms lando using cli config { commit: false, coreBase: false, dev: false, entrypoint: '/Users/me/.lando/bin/lando', file: '/Users/me/.lando/bin/lando-v3.21.0-beta.6', installPath: '/Users/me/.lando/bin', packaged: true, plugin: '/snapshot/cli', slim: true, source: false } +9ms lando using cli config { commit: false, coreBase: false, dev: false, entrypoint: '/Users/me/.lando/bin/lando', file: '/Users/me/.lando/bin/lando-v3.21.0-beta.6', installPath: '/Users/me/.lando/bin', packaged: true, plugin: '/snapshot/cli', slim: true, source: false } +193ms lando starting bootstrap at level app... +19ms lando config bootstrap beginning... +10ms lando emitting event pre-bootstrap-config +0ms lando plugin '@lando/core' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/index.js +78ms lando plugin '@lando/healthcheck' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/plugins/healthcheck/index.js +10ms lando plugin '@lando/networking' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/plugins/networking/index.js +8ms lando plugin '@lando/proxy' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/plugins/proxy/index.js +23ms lando plugin '@lando/scanner' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/plugins/scanner/index.js +5ms lando plugin '@lando/sharing' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/plugins/sharing/index.js +7ms lando plugin '@lando/acquia' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/acquia/index.js +6ms lando plugin '@lando/backdrop' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/backdrop/index.js +6ms lando plugin '@lando/drupal' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/drupal/index.js +5ms lando plugin '@lando/joomla' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/joomla/index.js +6ms lando plugin '@lando/lamp' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/lamp/index.js +15ms lando plugin '@lando/laravel' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/laravel/index.js +6ms lando plugin '@lando/lemp' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/lemp/index.js +6ms lando plugin '@lando/memcached' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/memcached/index.js +5ms lando plugin '@lando/symfony' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/symfony/index.js +4ms lando plugin '@lando/wordpress' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/wordpress/index.js +5ms lando removed duplicate plugin entries %o name=@lando/core, path=/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core, type=local +1ms lando emitting event post-bootstrap-config +2ms lando building proxy config... +1ms lando config bootstrap completed. +4ms lando tasks bootstrap beginning... +0ms lando emitting event pre-bootstrap-tasks +1ms lando autoloaded task config +643ms lando autoloaded task destroy +4ms lando autoloaded task info +15ms lando autoloaded task init +29ms lando autoloaded task list +4ms lando autoloaded task logs +3ms lando autoloaded task plugin-add +15ms lando autoloaded task plugin-login +5ms lando autoloaded task plugin-logout +3ms lando autoloaded task plugin-remove +5ms lando autoloaded task poweroff +5ms lando autoloaded task rebuild +9ms lando autoloaded task restart +4ms lando autoloaded task setup +100ms lando autoloaded task share +4ms lando autoloaded task shellenv +16ms lando autoloaded task ssh +5ms lando autoloaded task start +4ms lando autoloaded task stop +4ms lando autoloaded task update +6ms lando autoloaded task version +5ms lando emitting event post-bootstrap-tasks +3ms lando tasks bootstrap completed. +1ms lando engine bootstrap beginning... +0ms lando emitting event pre-bootstrap-engine +0ms lando automoved scripts from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/scripts to /Users/me/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755 +1443ms lando automoved scripts from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/plugins/proxy/scripts to /Users/me/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755 +10ms lando automoved scripts from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/plugins/sharing/scripts to /Users/me/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755 +19ms lando automoved scripts from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/acquia/scripts to /Users/me/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755 +53ms lando automoved scripts from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/backdrop/scripts to /Users/me/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755 +15ms lando emitting event post-bootstrap-engine +0ms lando engine bootstrap completed. +1ms lando app bootstrap beginning... +0ms lando emitting event pre-bootstrap-app +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder _appserver +33ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder _casetup +1ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder _init +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder _lando +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder _landoutil +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 4 builder _service +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder _service +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder _webserver +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 4 builder lando +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lando +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder _proxy +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder _mounter +1ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder acquia-base +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder acquia-mailhog +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder acquia-mariadb +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder acquia-memcached +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder acquia-mysql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder acquia-php +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder acquia-postgres +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder acquia +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder backdrop-mariadb +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder backdrop-mssql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder backdrop-mysql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder backdrop-nginx +1ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder backdrop-php +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder backdrop-postgres +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder backdrop +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder _drupaly +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder drupal-mariadb +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder drupal-mssql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder drupal-mysql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder drupal-nginx +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder drupal-php +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder drupal-postgres +1ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder drupal10 +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder drupal6 +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder drupal7 +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder drupal8 +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder drupal9 +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder joomla-mariadb +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder joomla-mssql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder joomla-mysql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder joomla-nginx +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder joomla-php +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder joomla-postgres +1ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder joomla +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lamp-mariadb +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lamp-mongo +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lamp-mssql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lamp-mysql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lamp-nginx +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lamp-php +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lamp-postgres +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lamp +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder laravel-mariadb +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder laravel-memcached +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder laravel-mssql +1ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder laravel-mysql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder laravel-nginx +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder laravel-php +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder laravel-postgres +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder laravel-redis +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder laravel +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lemp-mariadb +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lemp-mongo +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lemp-mssql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lemp-mysql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lemp-nginx +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lemp-php +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lemp-postgres +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder lemp +1ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder memcached +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder symfony-mariadb +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder symfony-memcached +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder symfony-mssql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder symfony-mysql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder symfony-nginx +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder symfony-php +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder symfony-postgres +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder symfony-redis +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder symfony +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder wordpress-mariadb +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder wordpress-mssql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder wordpress-mysql +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder wordpress-nginx +1ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder wordpress-php +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder wordpress-postgres +0ms lando autodiscovered legacy api 3 builder wordpress +0ms lando emitting event post-bootstrap-app +1ms lando app bootstrap completed. +148ms lando bootstrap completed. +0ms lando emitting event post-bootstrap +0ms lando emitting event almost-ready +1ms lando using docker-compose /Applications/ +5ms lando emitting event ready +16ms lando emitting event cli-answers +5ms lando emitting event cli-rebuild-answers +1ms lando loading app wpblogmultisite from config files 0=/Users/me/Sites/wpblogmultisite/.lando.yml +95ms lando app wpblogmultisite has config name=wpblogmultisite, recipe=wordpress, php=8.2, webroot=web, database=mariadb, xdebug=false, run=[cd $LANDO_MOUNT && composer install, cd $LANDO_MOUNT && cp web/.htaccess.example web/.htaccess, cd $LANDO_MOUNT && cp .env.example .env, cd $LANDO_MOUNT && touch web/app/plugins/.gitkeep && touch web/app/themes/.gitkeep, composer global require laravel/envoy], type=node, ports=[3000:3000], type=mailhog, hogfrom=[appserver], service=appserver, service=theme, service=theme, mailhog=[] +1ms wpblogmultisite initiatilizing app at /Users/me/Sites/wpblogmultisite... +19ms lando plugin '@lando/core' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/app.js +69ms lando plugin '@lando/healthcheck' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/plugins/healthcheck/app.js +4ms lando plugin '@lando/networking' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/plugins/networking/app.js +6ms wpblogmultisite proxy settings detected. +47ms lando plugin '@lando/proxy' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/plugins/proxy/app.js +21ms lando plugin '@lando/scanner' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/plugins/scanner/app.js +14ms lando plugin '@lando/sharing' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/plugins/sharing/app.js +10ms lando plugin '@lando/acquia' loaded from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/acquia/app.js +5ms wpblogmultisite emitting event pre-init +30ms wpblogmultisite building wordpress recipe named +4ms wpblogmultisite building v3 wordpress-php service appserver +138ms lando automoved scripts from /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/wordpress/node_modules/@lando/php/scripts to /Users/me/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755 +466ms wpblogmultisite building v3 wordpress-mariadb service database +378ms wpblogmultisite WARN node is not a supported service type. +121ms wpblogmultisite building v3 node service theme +0ms lando ERROR Error: Could not find a service builder called node in the builder registry! at Factory.get (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/factory.js:102:25) at /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/hooks/app-add-v3-services.js:20:35 at arrayEach (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:530:11) at Function.forEach (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:9410:14) at module.exports (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/hooks/app-add-v3-services.js:12:5) at AsyncEvents. (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/app.js:55:85) at AsyncEvents.handle (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/events.js:84:25) From previous event: at AsyncEvents.handle (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/events.js:85:22) at /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/events.js:117:21 at process.processImmediate (node:internal/timers:476:21) From previous event: at AsyncEvents.emit (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/events.js:111:20) at /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/app.js:295:66 at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) +193ms lando reporting error action to report=true, url=, report=true, url= +22ms lando reported data command=lando rebuild, context=local, devMode=false, instance=cbf3789a15a0634dd7eb297a276d59b23d2e821f, nodeVersion=v18.18.2, mode=cli, type=Darwin, platform=darwin, release=22.6.0, arch=x64, product=lando, version=3.21.0-beta.6, message=Could not find a service builder called node in the builder registry!, stack=Error: Could not find a service builder called node in the builder registry! at Factory.get (factory.js:102:25) at /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/hooks/app-add-v3-services.js:20:35 at arrayEach (lodash.js:530:11) at Function.forEach (lodash.js:9410:14) at module.exports (app-add-v3-services.js:12:5) at AsyncEvents. (app.js:55:85) at AsyncEvents.handle (events.js:84:25) From previous event: at AsyncEvents.handle (events.js:85:22) at /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/events.js:117:21 at process.processImmediate (timers:476:21) From previous event: at AsyncEvents.emit (events.js:111:20) at /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/app.js:295:66 at process.processTicksAndRejections (task_queues:95:5), action=error, created=2024-02-29T14:23:50.597Z +0ms lando checking docker version compatibility... +110ms lando compatibility results name=compose, link=, satisfied=true, wants=1.x.x || 2.x.x, dockerVersion=true, version=2.24.5, name=desktop, link=, satisfied=true, wants=>=4.0.0 <4.28, dockerVersion=true, version=4.23.0 +0ms ```
UTCGilligan commented 4 months ago

Also, occasionally, the output is this:

❯ lando rebuild
WARN ==> node is not a supported service type.
            triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);

Error: Could not find a service builder called node in the builder registry!
    at Factory.get (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/factory.js:102:25)
    at /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/hooks/app-add-v3-services.js:20:35
    at arrayEach (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:530:11)
    at Function.forEach (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:9410:14)
    at module.exports (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/hooks/app-add-v3-services.js:12:5)
    at AsyncEvents.<anonymous> (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/app.js:55:85)
    at AsyncEvents.handle (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/events.js:84:25)
From previous event:
    at AsyncEvents.handle (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/events.js:85:22)
    at /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/events.js:117:21
    at process.processImmediate (node:internal/timers:476:21)
From previous event:
    at AsyncEvents.emit (/Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/events.js:111:20)
    at /Users/me/.lando/plugins/@lando/core/lib/app.js:295:66
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

Node.js v18.18.2
UTCGilligan commented 4 months ago

This seems to have been solved by beta-7 release and lando setup/update.