lando / pantheon

The Official Lando Pantheon plugin.
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Add IonCube Support #46

Closed acobster closed 2 years ago

acobster commented 6 years ago

Feature Request

Per discussion in slack today, it would be great to get IonCube support into Lando's PHP 7.1+ builds. This would provide out-of-the-box support for things like the Memberium plugin.

dustinleblanc commented 6 years ago

sigh I hate IonCube, but I suppose since Pantheon now allows it on 7.1+, we should allow the same 😦

I'd be happy to not allow it anywhere else though 😉

acobster commented 6 years ago

Yeah please don't. :p

AaronFeledy commented 6 years ago

There is a known compatibility issue between Drupal Console and IonCube. IonCube essentially breaks Drupal Console with the only known workaround being disabling the IonCube php extension.

acobster commented 6 years ago

@AaronFeledy thanks for pointing that out! le sigh I hate IonCube even more now...

I think it would be totally antithetical to Lando's core purpose to introduce this at the cost of something like drupal-console. I'd personally be fine with not including this in a devwithlando image and instead having documentation around how to do this with a custom image in an overrides block. The only viable alternative I see is maintaining a separate 7.1 image (plus any subsequently supported versions) that includes the extension, to keep it opt-in, not sure how y'all feel about that? If that's workable, I'd be happy to work on a PR.

The image I built is here on Docker Hub and if we go with the custom-image route I'd also be inclined open-source the Dockerfiles etc., pending any licensing discussions with our attorney (the only reason I didn't just release it outright, blech).

infused-kim commented 5 years ago

@acobster thanks for sharing your image. I also need to build a lando environment for a WP site with Memberium (and equally hate their use of ioncube).

Could you please provide an excerpt of your lando config or point me into the right direction of how to integrate? I would really appreciate that.

I have tried to figure it out myself, but couldn't find any info on how to do it.

acobster commented 5 years ago

@KimchaC this should work for Lando rc2+, but I haven't tested it.

  # use a custom image with the ionloader extension
    type: php:custom
      image: sitecrafting/lando-ionloader:pantheon-7.1-fpm

We also moved away from Memberium (praise be!), so I don't really have a use-case for this anymore. Good luck.

infused-kim commented 5 years ago

Thanks, your config worked indeed... But I also figured out how to use the build_as_root setting to make it work without a third-party image.

Here it is in case someone else needs to setup ioncube or memberium:

name: my-site
recipe: wordpress
  webroot: .
  php: '7.3'
  via: nginx
  database: mariadb
# Adjust DB user so that database import and export works  
      user: test
      password: test
      database: test
      - "wp config create --dbname=test --dbuser=test --dbpass=test --dbhost=database || :"
# Add support for ioncube
      - export PHP=7.3 && export IC_SO="ioncube_loader_lin_$" && export PHP_EXT_DIR=`php-config --extension-dir` && cd /tmp && curl -o ioncube.tar.gz && tar -xvvzf ioncube.tar.gz && mv "ioncube/$IC_SO" $PHP_EXT_DIR && rm -Rf ioncube.tar.gz ioncube && echo "zend_extension=$PHP_EXT_DIR/$IC_SO" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/00_docker-php-ext-ioncube_loader.ini 
tripflex commented 3 years ago

thank you @KimchaC using:

      - export PHP=7.3 && export IC_SO="ioncube_loader_lin_$" && export PHP_EXT_DIR=`php-config --extension-dir` && cd /tmp && curl -o ioncube.tar.gz && tar -xvvzf ioncube.tar.gz && mv "ioncube/$IC_SO" $PHP_EXT_DIR && rm -Rf ioncube.tar.gz ioncube && echo "zend_extension=$PHP_EXT_DIR/$IC_SO" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/00_docker-php-ext-ioncube_loader.ini 

Worked perfectly for me to get a local WHMCS installation running using Lando!

roberttolton commented 1 year ago

@infused-kim @tripflex Thank you both for the notes to get it working.

It was working fine on my Intel MacBook Pro, but since transitioning to ARM I get this error:

Failed loading /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20180731/  /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20180731/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

It doesn't make sense because the file definitely exists, and PHP is running version 7.3 and I'm using version 7.3 of the extension. Any ideas?

miquelbrazil commented 5 months ago

Sorry for jumping on an old thread, but I found this while trying to install ioncube on lando for use with the Setasign PDF components. The echo to a first load ini worked perfectly.

Also, @roberttolton, not sure if you figured this out, but there is a separate build of the ioncube extension for arm-based linux, which is what you would need to run this in the container.