lando / platformsh

The Official Lando Plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 4 forks source link

Error during build/rebuild stops platform CLI from being installed, causes non-zero exit #133

Closed xaqrox closed 3 years ago

xaqrox commented 3 years ago

I'm on v3.5.1 and bundled Docker, on macOS 11.6. Here's the error:

xaq@sixstone:~/Code/[MY PROJECT]|master⚡
⇒  lando rebuild -y
Rising anew like a fire phoenix from the ashes! Rebuilding app...
Killing [MY PROJECT]_search_1 ... done
Killing [MY PROJECT]_db_1     ... done
Killing [MY PROJECT]_cache_1  ... done
Killing [MY PROJECT]_app_1    ... done
Going to remove [MY PROJECT]_search_1, [MY PROJECT]_db_1, [MY PROJECT]_cache_1, [MY PROJECT]_app_1
Removing [MY PROJECT]_search_1 ... done
Removing [MY PROJECT]_db_1     ... done
Removing [MY PROJECT]_cache_1  ... done
Removing [MY PROJECT]_app_1    ... done
Pulling search ... done
Pulling app    ... done
Pulling db     ... done
Pulling cache  ... done
db uses an image, skipping
cache uses an image, skipping
app uses an image, skipping
search uses an image, skipping
landoproxyhyperion5000gandalfedition_proxy_1 is up-to-date
Creating [MY PROJECT]_app_1 ... done
ERROR ==>  message=, stack=Error
    at /snapshot/cli/lib/shell.js
From previous event:
    at (/snapshot/cli/lib/shell.js)
    at Object.dc (/snapshot/cli/lib/bootstrap.js)
    at compose (/snapshot/cli/lib/bootstrap.js)
From previous event:
    at /snapshot/cli/lib/router.js
    at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:464:21)
From previous event:
    at (/snapshot/cli/lib/router.js)
    at run (/snapshot/cli/lib/engine.js)
    at /snapshot/cli/lib/router.js
From previous event:
    at Object.eventWrapper (/snapshot/cli/lib/router.js)
    at Engine.engineCmd (/snapshot/cli/lib/engine.js)
    at (/snapshot/cli/lib/engine.js)
    at Object.runBuild (/snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-services/lib/utils.js)
    at AsyncEvents.<anonymous> (/snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-services/app.js)
    at AsyncEvents.handle (/snapshot/cli/lib/events.js)
    at /snapshot/cli/lib/events.js
From previous event:
    at AsyncEvents.emit (/snapshot/cli/lib/events.js)
From previous event:
    at App.start (/snapshot/cli/lib/app.js)
    at /snapshot/cli/lib/app.js
From previous event:
    at App.rebuild (/snapshot/cli/lib/app.js)
    at (/snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-core/tasks/rebuild.js)
From previous event:
    at /snapshot/cli/lib/cli.js
From previous event:
    at Object.handler (/snapshot/cli/lib/cli.js)
    at Object.runCommand (/snapshot/cli/node_modules/yargs/lib/command.js:238:44)
    at Object.parseArgs [as _parseArgs] (/snapshot/cli/node_modules/yargs/yargs.js:1063:30)
    at Function.get [as argv] (/snapshot/cli/node_modules/yargs/yargs.js:1004:21)
    at Cli.init (/snapshot/cli/lib/cli.js)
    at (/snapshot/cli/lib/cli.js)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/snapshot/cli/bin/lando.js)
    at Module._compile (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1751:22)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1114:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:950:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:790:14)
    at Function.runMain (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1804:12)
    at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47, __stackCleaned__=true
Creating [MY PROJECT]_cache_1  ... done
Creating [MY PROJECT]_search_1 ... done
Creating [MY PROJECT]_db_1     ... done
Opening containers... this may take a bit...
Scanning to determine which services are ready... Please standby...

  _      __              _           __
 | | /| / /__ ________  (_)__  ___ _/ /
 | |/ |/ / _ `/ __/ _ \/ / _ \/ _ `/_/
 |__/|__/\_,_/_/ /_//_/_/_//_/\_, (_)

Your app started up but we detected some things you may wish to investigate.
These only may be a problem.

 ■ One of your build steps failed
   This **MAY** prevent your app from working.
   Check for errors above, fix them in your Landofile, and try again by running:
   lando rebuild

Here are some vitals:

 NAME         [MY PROJECT]
 LOCATION     /Users/xaq/Code/[MY PROJECT]
 SERVICES     app, db, cache, search
 APP URLS     http://localhost:49762
              http://[MY PROJECT]
              https://[MY PROJECT]
              http://www.[MY PROJECT]
              https://www.[MY PROJECT]
 SEARCH URLS  http://localhost:49813

And my .lando.yml:

name: [MY PROJECT]
recipe: platformsh
  id: 3snrpqegrw3u6

        DRUSH_OPTIONS_URI: "https://[MY PROJECT]"
        - ${HOME}/.composer/cache:/var/www/.composer/cache

    service: app
    service: app
    cmd: phpcs
    service: app
    cmd: phpcbf

The app starts up well enough to serves page but when I try to run lando pull I get (sorry for -vvv output, error is at the bottom):

xaq@sixstone:~/Code/[MY PROJECT]|master⚡
⇒  lando pull -r database -m none -vvv
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> No update available.
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> starting bootstrap at level app...
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> config bootstrap beginning...
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event pre-bootstrap-config
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-core loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-core/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-events loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-events/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-networking loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-networking/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-proxy loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-proxy/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-recipes loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-recipes/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-services loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-services/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-sharing loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-sharing/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-test loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-test/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-tooling loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-tooling/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-acquia loaded from /snapshot/cli/integrations/lando-acquia/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-lagoon loaded from /snapshot/cli/integrations/lando-lagoon/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-pantheon loaded from /snapshot/cli/integrations/lando-pantheon/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin @lando/platformsh loaded from /snapshot/cli/node_modules/@lando/platformsh/index.js
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event post-bootstrap-config
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> building proxy config...
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> config bootstrap completed.
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> tasks bootstrap beginning...
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event pre-bootstrap-tasks
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task config
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task destroy
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task info
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task list
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task logs
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task poweroff
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task rebuild
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task restart
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task share
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task start
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task stop
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task version
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task init
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded task ssh
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event post-bootstrap-tasks
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> tasks bootstrap completed.
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> engine bootstrap beginning...
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event pre-bootstrap-engine
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> automoved scripts from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-core/scripts to /Users/xaq/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> automoved scripts from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-proxy/scripts to /Users/xaq/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> automoved scripts from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-recipes/scripts to /Users/xaq/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> automoved scripts from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-services/scripts to /Users/xaq/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> automoved scripts from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-sharing/scripts to /Users/xaq/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> automoved scripts from /snapshot/cli/integrations/lando-acquia/scripts to /Users/xaq/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> automoved scripts from /snapshot/cli/integrations/lando-lagoon/scripts to /Users/xaq/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> automoved scripts from /snapshot/cli/integrations/lando-pantheon/scripts to /Users/xaq/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> automoved scripts from /snapshot/cli/node_modules/@lando/platformsh/scripts to /Users/xaq/.lando/scripts and set to mode 755
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event post-bootstrap-engine
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> engine bootstrap completed.
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> app bootstrap beginning...
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event pre-bootstrap-app
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoCompose
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoAppserver
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoService
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoUtility
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoWebServer
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoDrupal
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLaemp
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoAppserver
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformAppserver
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformService
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoCa
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoProxy
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoInit
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoApache
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoCompose
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoDotNet
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoElasticSearch
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoGo
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoMailHog
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoMariaDb
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoMemcached
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoMongoDb
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoMsSql
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoMySql
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoNginx
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoNode
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPhp
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPma
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPostgres
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPython
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoRedis
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoRuby
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoSolr
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoTomcat
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoVarnish
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoMounter
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLagoonElasticsearch
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLagoonMariaDb
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLagoonNginx
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLagoonNone
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLagoonPhp
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLagoonPhp
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLagoonPostgres
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLagoonRedis
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLagoonSolr
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLagoonVarnish
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformshChromeHeadless
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformsElasticsearch
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformshInfluxdb
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformshKafka
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformshMariaDB
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformshMemcached
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformsMongoDB
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformshMySQL
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformshPhp
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformshPostgres
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformshRabbitmq
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformshRedis
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformshSolr
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformshVarnish
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoBackdrop
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoDrupal6
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoDrupal7
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoDrupal8
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoDrupal9
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoJoomla
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLamp
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLaravel
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLamp
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoMean
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoSymfony
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoWordPress
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoAcquia
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoLagoon
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPantheon
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> autoloaded builder LandoPlatformsh
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event post-bootstrap-app
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> app bootstrap completed.
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> bootstrap completed.
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event post-bootstrap
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> docker-engine exists: true
lando 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> docker-compose exists: true
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event cli-answers
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event cli-pull-answers
lando 12:29:56 INFO ==> loading app [MY PROJECT] from config files 0=/Users/xaq/Code/[MY PROJECT]/.lando.upstream.yml, 1=/Users/xaq/Code/[MY PROJECT]/.lando.yml
lando 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> app [MY PROJECT] has config name=[MY PROJECT], recipe=platformsh, system.file:path:temporary=/tmp, skip_permissions_hardening=1, id=3snrpqegrw3u6, service=app, service=app, service=app, cmd=phpcs, service=app, cmd=phpcbf, DRUSH_OPTIONS_URI=, volumes=[${HOME}/.composer/cache:/var/www/.composer/cache]
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> initiatilizing app at /Users/xaq/Code/[MY PROJECT]...
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-core loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-core/app.js
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-events loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-events/app.js
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-networking loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-networking/app.js
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> proxy settings detected.
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-proxy loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-proxy/app.js
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-recipes loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-recipes/app.js
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-services loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-services/app.js
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-sharing loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-sharing/app.js
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-tooling loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-tooling/app.js
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-acquia loaded from /snapshot/cli/integrations/lando-acquia/app.js
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-lagoon loaded from /snapshot/cli/integrations/lando-lagoon/app.js
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-pantheon loaded from /snapshot/cli/integrations/lando-pantheon/app.js
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> identified a platformsh app
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> reset app id to 3snrpqegrw3u6
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> ensured /Users/xaq/.lando/config/[MY PROJECT] exists
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> local override on app with {"variables":{"d8config":{"system.file:path:temporary":"/tmp"},"d8settings":{"skip_permissions_hardening":1}}}
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> plugin @lando/platformsh loaded from /snapshot/cli/node_modules/@lando/platformsh/app.js
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event pre-init
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> parsed platformsh routes
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> parsed platformsh applications
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> the closest platform app is at undefined
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> the closest open cache is { database: [Array], redis: [Array], solrsearch: [Array] }
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> determined platformsh relationships
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> parsed platformsh services
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> built platformsh config jsons
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> building platformsh recipe named
lando                          12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> proxy is ON.
lando                          12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> Setting the default proxy certificate /certs/cert.crt
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> building platformsh-php service app
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> building platformsh-mariadb service db
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> building platformsh-redis service cache
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> building platformsh-solr service search
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event post-init
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> adding hostnames to the app...
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> hostnames added to app 0=app.[MY PROJECT].internal
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> hostnames added to db 0=db.[MY PROJECT].internal
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> hostnames added to cache 0=cache.[MY PROJECT].internal
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> hostnames added to search 0=search.[MY PROJECT].internal
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> attempting to find open services...
lando                          12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> checking docker version compatibility...
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> compatibility results name=desktop, link=, wants= - 3.6.99, version=3.6.0, semversion=3.6.0, semmin=2.1.0, semmax=3.6.99, dockerVersion=true, satisfied=true
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> engine is up.
lando                          12:29:56 DEBUG ==> docker is running.
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> engine is up.
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> refreshing certificates... 0=app, 1=db, 2=cache, 3=search
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> analyzing user ssh keys... using 6 of 6
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> key config...  none
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> additional tooling detected
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task platform
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task composer
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task php
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task database
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task redis
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task pull
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task push
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task drush
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task grumphp
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task cs
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task cbf
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> preparing to OPEN up platformsh containers...
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> found platformsh services to open 0=db, 1=cache, 2=search
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> found platformsh appservers to open 0=app
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> setting LANDO_INFO...
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on app are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on db are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on db are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on cache are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on cache are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on search are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on search are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> app is ready!
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 DEBUG ==> emitting event ready
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:56 VERBOSE ==> discovering dynamic portforward info...
? Enter a API token [hidden]
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> emitting event cli-run
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> emitting event cli-pull-run
lando                          12:29:59 INFO ==> loading app [MY PROJECT] from config files 0=/Users/xaq/Code/[MY PROJECT]/.lando.upstream.yml, 1=/Users/xaq/Code/[MY PROJECT]/.lando.yml
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> app [MY PROJECT] has config name=[MY PROJECT], recipe=platformsh, system.file:path:temporary=/tmp, skip_permissions_hardening=1, id=3snrpqegrw3u6, service=app, service=app, service=app, cmd=phpcs, service=app, cmd=phpcbf, DRUSH_OPTIONS_URI=, volumes=[${HOME}/.composer/cache:/var/www/.composer/cache]
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> emitting event pre-app-runner
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> emitting event pre-command-runner
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> initiatilizing app at /Users/xaq/Code/[MY PROJECT]...
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-core loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-core/app.js
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-events loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-events/app.js
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-networking loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-networking/app.js
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> proxy settings detected.
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-proxy loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-proxy/app.js
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-recipes loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-recipes/app.js
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-services loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-services/app.js
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-sharing loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-sharing/app.js
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-tooling loaded from /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-tooling/app.js
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-acquia loaded from /snapshot/cli/integrations/lando-acquia/app.js
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-lagoon loaded from /snapshot/cli/integrations/lando-lagoon/app.js
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> plugin lando-pantheon loaded from /snapshot/cli/integrations/lando-pantheon/app.js
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> identified a platformsh app
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> reset app id to 3snrpqegrw3u6
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> ensured /Users/xaq/.lando/config/[MY PROJECT] exists
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> local override on app with {"variables":{"d8config":{"system.file:path:temporary":"/tmp"},"d8settings":{"skip_permissions_hardening":1}}}
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> plugin @lando/platformsh loaded from /snapshot/cli/node_modules/@lando/platformsh/app.js
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> emitting event pre-init
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> parsed platformsh routes
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> parsed platformsh applications
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> the closest platform app is at undefined
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> the closest open cache is { database: [Array], redis: [Array], solrsearch: [Array] }
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> determined platformsh relationships
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> parsed platformsh services
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> built platformsh config jsons
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> building platformsh recipe named
lando                          12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> proxy is ON.
lando                          12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> Setting the default proxy certificate /certs/cert.crt
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> building platformsh-php service app
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> building platformsh-mariadb service db
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> building platformsh-redis service cache
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> building platformsh-solr service search
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> emitting event post-init
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> adding hostnames to the app...
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> hostnames added to app 0=app.[MY PROJECT].internal
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> hostnames added to db 0=db.[MY PROJECT].internal
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> hostnames added to cache 0=cache.[MY PROJECT].internal
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> hostnames added to search 0=search.[MY PROJECT].internal
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> attempting to find open services...
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> refreshing certificates... 0=app, 1=db, 2=cache, 3=search
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> analyzing user ssh keys... using 6 of 6
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> key config...  none
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> additional tooling detected
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task platform
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task composer
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task php
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task database
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task redis
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task pull
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task push
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task drush
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task grumphp
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task cs
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> adding app cli task cbf
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> preparing to OPEN up platformsh containers...
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> found platformsh services to open 0=db, 1=cache, 2=search
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> found platformsh appservers to open 0=app
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> setting LANDO_INFO...
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on app are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on db are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on db are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on cache are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on cache are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on search are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> ensuring exposed ports on search are bound to
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> app is ready!
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> emitting event ready
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> discovering dynamic portforward info...
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> emitting event pre-pull
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> process pid6 running /Applications/ exec [MY PROJECT]_app_1 /helpers/ cstdio=[inherit, pipe, pipe], silent=false, mode=attach, detached=false
Verifying you are authenticated against
/helpers/ line 75: platform: command not found
[MY PROJECT] 12:29:59 DEBUG ==> process pid6 finished with exit code 127
lando                          12:29:59 VERBOSE ==> reporting error action to report=true, url=, report=true, url=
lando                          12:29:59 DEBUG ==> reported data command=lando pull, context=local, devMode=false, instance=072f076b6213c200c44ef2e021b4208ca241c7f3, nodeVersion=v14.17.2, mode=cli, type=Darwin, platform=darwin, release=20.6.0, arch=x64, product=lando, version=3.5.1, message=/helpers/ line 75: platform: command not found, stack=Error: /helpers/ line 75: platform: command not found
    at /snapshot/cli/lib/shell.js
From previous event:
    at (shell.js)
    at Object.dockerExec (utils.js)
    at /snapshot/cli/plugins/lando-tooling/lib/build.js
From previous event:
    at (build.js)
From previous event:
    at /snapshot/cli/lib/bootstrap.js
From previous event:
    at /snapshot/cli/lib/cli.js
From previous event:
    at Object.handler (cli.js)
    at Object.runCommand (command.js:238:44)
    at Object.parseArgs [as _parseArgs] (yargs.js:1063:30)
    at Function.get [as argv] (yargs.js:1004:21)
    at Cli.init (cli.js)
    at (cli.js)
    at Object.<anonymous> (lando.js)
    at Module._compile (bootstrap.js:1751:22)
    at Function.runMain (bootstrap.js:1804:12)
    at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47, action=error, created=2021-11-02T16:29:59.846Z
reynoldsalec commented 3 years ago

@xaqrox I haven't been able to reproduce this on my machine (similar specs), is this running off a boilerplate repo that you can share with me? I could spin it up in and see if I can replicate.

xaqrox commented 3 years ago

@reynoldsalec sorry, it's a custom site for a client and i don't think i can share the repo. but i do have some news on this.

i tried pulling out as much customization as i could out of the .lando and .ymls, to try to rule out something I was doing. but the problem was still happening.

the error message above is frustratingly empty, but fortunately i discovered "silly" verbosity, which finally revealed that the problem script was /helpers/, so i looked at that script. i build lando 3.5.1 from source, and removed the set -e from that script, hoping to get more informative errors. to my surprise, that actually let the build proceed as normal, and i just performed a successful pull via so something seems to be killing that script that doesn't actually need to be fatal when set -e is on, but i'm not sure what that is.

for now i have my app working and i need to get some stuff done so i'm going to stop debugging this, but i'll post here if i have any more clues in the next couple weeks.

reynoldsalec commented 3 years ago

Huh, that's interesting @xaqrox, wish you had got an error, could help figure out the culprit.

For now I'm going to close this out unless you have further info, thanks for following up!

xaqrox commented 2 years ago

@reynoldsalec One more detail I'm hoping will be helpful. I was inspired to try removing the set -e by a similar issue with nvm: Long story short, it seems nvm does some error handling that expects set -e to not be present, perhaps a similar thing was happening with the psh cli installer, it was expecting to gracefully handle some error that set -e just took and ran with. 🤷

reynoldsalec commented 2 years ago

That's super interesting @xaqrox, my guess is that we're in a weird middle ground where set -e is probably the best default, but that something(s) that throw an error during the process don't really matter and shouldn't stop the show.

@pirog guessing we can't safely get rid of set -e for all cases?

xaqrox commented 2 years ago

I finally figured this out. There was some bad stuff in my .environment file, which does get included, eventually, via the platformsh plugin's script. But there were various levels of error suppression, so I didn't realize that was where the problem was until I added some debugging to (with very helpful tips from @pirog) to figure out exactly where it was choking, and followed it back to .environment. Whew!

xaqrox commented 2 years ago

I am running into this again, leaving a note for myself to the thread where pirog taught me how tell lando to use a different plugin location:

reynoldsalec commented 2 years ago

@xaqrox note that there are now "custom installation" instructions on every Lando plugin in their docs, so hopefully that's a good reminder as well on how to download a specific version of the plugin and play with it: