lando / setup-lando

Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Lando.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Research additional installation/distribution pathways #33

Open pirog opened 2 months ago

pirog commented 2 months ago

This is a meta-issue to research other install/distribution channels we might want to add to make Lando as widely available as possible. Here are some idea off the top of my head:

What other methods might we consider? And does anyone want to research any of them/recommend

jlfranklin commented 2 months ago

I'd like to voice strong support for deb and RPM, including ARM (or platform independent!) versions of each.

While the RPi is often cited as an ARM nice-to-have, my use case is running Debian ARM VMs on a Mac with VMWare Fusion. Being able to install a Debian package in that VM would be ideal for me.

How are the current release packages created? Maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but I can't find any lando.spec files defining the RPM or debian package directories.

I have experience with building both RPMs and Debian packages. I'm willing to help support those builds.

yolcuiskender commented 2 months ago

Chocolatey has the ability to use PowerShell scripts for the installation of packages already.

Using @AaronFeledy's script with chocolatey should work without issues and tick the Chocolatey box.