lando / setup-lando

Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of Lando.
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Ubuntu 24.04 install fails #41

Open MKrick opened 2 months ago

MKrick commented 2 months ago

Trying to install lando on a fresh copy of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS and get this error after entering my pw and it starts downloading

Press RETURN/ENTER to continue or any other key to abort:
please enter sudo password:
debug running /usr/bin/sudo true
downloading to /usr/local/bin/lando
debug running /usr/bin/sudo curl --fail --location --progress-bar --output /tmp/16410
##################################################################################################################### 100.0%
debug running /usr/bin/sudo chmod +x /tmp/16410
chmod: cannot access '/tmp/16410': No such file or directory
ERROR: Failed during: /usr/bin/sudo chmod +x /tmp/16410

The file never reaches the /tmp/xxx folder I grabbed the file manually using wget but don't know how to install it from there. "sudo dpkg -i filename" like I used to use before doesn't seem to work anymore.

pirog commented 2 months ago

huh. interesting. do you not have a /tmp directory?

MKrick commented 2 months ago

I did, but the random /tmp/sub-dir did not generate iirc. Honestly 24.04 was such a mess I formatted and went to 22 and now it's running perfectly. Couldn't get a lot of things running.

pirog commented 2 months ago

i think the "sub-dir" is actually the file eg lando itself before we copy it to destination so only the existence of /tmp is required. that said im going to keep this ticket open so we can get more feedback/info but for now chalk it up to "Ubuntu 24.04" weirdness.