lando / wordpress

The Official WordPress Lando Plugin
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Localhost Refuses To Connect on Fedora 36 after stopping #21

Closed ITedInnovator closed 2 years ago

ITedInnovator commented 2 years ago

This issue can be fixed by lando destroy but it's not tenable when developing a WordPress site to delete the database. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?

Fedora 36

My .lando.yml name: custom-theme-creative recipe: wordpress config: webroot: wordpress database: mariadb:10.4

I'm using MariaDB because of hanging with MySQL on "Waiting until database service to be ready" and operation not permitted warnings as here: The MySQL issue seems Lando related as it is the same with the LAMP recipe. Otherwise on the LAMP stack I'm able to connect to the database and PHP after stopping and starting the containers so the issue with localhost connecting appears to be specific to the WordPress recipe.

I have green on the localhost urls but red for the proxy domains. That's the same with the LAMP recipe.

Also I've tried docker rm -f landoproxyhyperion5000gandalfedition_proxy_1 lando rebuild

but this does not fix the issue.

Given the other issues concerning Ubuntu unresolved but closed I assume that Lando may not actually function with Linux at all or could someone confirm if the package for RPM is working (or apt for anyone using Ubuntu) for other people in 2022?

I've tried setting up WordPress with the LAMP recipe instead and the same issue occurs, it refuses to connect to localhost so it appears to be a conflict between WordPress and Lando in general.

ITedInnovator commented 2 years ago

I tried reinstalling docker engine a few times with no effect but when I installed Docker Desktop for Linux it suddenly worked again so was a Docker issue.