landsat-pds / landsat_ingestor

Scripts and other artifacts for landsat data ingestion into Amazon public hosting.
Apache License 2.0
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Reacquire reprocessed 2015 scenes #16

Closed jedsundwall closed 8 years ago

jedsundwall commented 8 years ago

Can we reacquire and replace the 53,206 scenes listed at

warmerdam commented 8 years ago

We will need to work through how to accomplish this without just causing a big backlog since we are barely keeping up with USGS currently. Amit will be primarily responsible.

kapadia commented 8 years ago

We have a note out to USGS asking for more bandwidth. Waiting to hear from them.

kapadia commented 8 years ago

Documenting this here for future use. If we'd like to get a list of modified Landsat scenes for a specific date range, we can do something like:

usgs search --node EE LANDSAT_8 --start-date 2015-05-24 --end-date 2015-05-25 --geojson | \
  jq '[ .features[] | { entityId: .properties.entityId, acquisitionDate: .properties.acquisitionDate , modifiedDate: .properties.modifiedDate } ]' | \
    jq '[ .[] | select((.modifiedDate | fromdate) - (.acquisitionDate | fromdate) > 86400) ]'

This compares the acquisition date to the modified date, both available fields in the landsat metadata. Scenes with a time difference greater than 1 day are selected.

jedsundwall commented 8 years ago

@kapadia ooh. Very cool. It'd probably be worth running that search once a month or so to get any corrected scenes. That is, assuming we can get more bandwidth.

kapadia commented 8 years ago

Complete. These scenes are now available on s3://landsat-pds/