lanesawyer / gshe

The Ginormous Stackrank of Human Experience
MIT License
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Build activity recommendation engine #20

Open Stackranker opened 9 years ago

Stackranker commented 9 years ago

Completing #11 is a prerequisite for this one.

Identify the user Phil is most like, based on the similarity score from #11. Call that person Jake.

Create a list of experiences Jake has experienced, and which Phil said he has not experienced. Calculate the difference between an experience M from this list and the global stackrank. Repeat for each experience in the list. Stackrank from highest to lowest. Display the top ten to Phil and recommend he do them.

Additional option 1: Create a list of experiences Jake has experienced, and which Phil has not yes/no answered. Calculate the difference between an experience M from this list and the global stackrank. Repeat for each experience in the list. Stackrank from highest to lowest. Display the top 100 to Phil; let him indicate which ones he has experienced. Recommend he do the remainder.

Additional option 2: Repeat the above, but take into account the top 5 users Phil is most similar to.

Stackranker commented 9 years ago

Michal thinks we should filter by category (e.g. bucketlist or food). Perform the similarity score comparison within a category, then do what's articulated above just within the category. Dependency is #21 .