lang-party / Summer2022

Lang Party 2022
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GDLisp #16

Open eutro opened 1 year ago

eutro commented 1 year ago


GDLisp is a lisp dialect that compiles to GDScript.

#lang gdlisp
(print "Hello, world!")

Produces (when run):

print("Hello, world!")

GDLisp is a way to write script files for the Godot engine without actually writing (directly) in the scripting language it provides.

The main benefits this provides is that you can write macros and (hopefully) enter into Lisp game jams. Also you don’t have to deal with semantic whitespace.

See the documentation for more (and up to date) information:

At least one other example can be found at


The text in this issue is licensed under Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Code is licensed under MIT or Apache 2, at your option.